Lost Motivation? QwQ

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Yeaaaaaaaah I lost my motivation on wattpad withour updating this qwq and it's getting a bit boring qwq Anyways—Let's continue are stories from the past since I have no ideas for today ;-;
//Stay Calm and Seat with Relax motivation...Pt. 2//
•Narrator's POV•
I hate my job but anyway after Nathan "NEEF" opened the front foor he saw his old friends!Wanna know who is it? It's The CubeSMP ;D!
•Narrator's POV ended•
The Other Cube Members:Yeah!It's is us Nathan-
Nathan(a.ka.Noboom):*slams the door close* *runs away from his life while screaming like a girl*
//The End XD//
//The Sister's Hugs Pt.1(New Short Story~)//
•Nathan The Narrator POV's•
Ah shit-qwq *coughs* Anyways—Soph(a.ka. Me) sat on the couch while waiting for her friends to return....Little did she know something unexpected they brang(is this even a word yet? QwQ)for her,Because Soph always wanted to see her "sister" for so long time(I don't have one in irl which is sad qwq)Andddd——JUST GO TO THE LE STORY I HATE THIS JOB THE CREATOR DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL A WORD—!
Creator:You have committed a sin....Now you must die and pay respects back after getting hurt >:(
-/In the le story\-
Soph:(sat on the couch while holding her phone) urgh....ugh....Where are they—?It's been like 10 minutes already.....I would've had known that they're going to leave me here alone so~~Why not have some cooking time?!?!
-•.More minutes later•-.
Soph:(places the foods in the table) All done!That was really some hardwork and I didn't know I was so good at cooking~! OwO
(Unknown):(rings the doorbell)
Soph:(speeds up to the door) am coming~~!
Soph:(opens the door) ugh,what took you guys so long-
???:Hiya Sis~! Miss me~~?
Soph: wha....wha-.....what-wha........I-......(silent)
???:(walks up to her and hug's her)It's okay Soph,I'm here.....You're big sister is here......
Soph:(couldn't speak but cried after and huggef her back)
Soph: I miss chu-....I-...I-....I-haven't seen you when I was small and you never got a name and-...an-.....
(Continued Crying)
???:There There Lil Sis,I'll always visit you and you're 3rd older brother....Me and you're eldest brother we'll never leave by you're side because we miss and love you guys too......(hugged her tightly)
The Others(expect them):*all smiled softly*
//The End 😢//
I don't have much time and I'm writing this at 1 am qwq I need some sleep,Or I'll lose my vision again ;_;

THANKS FOR READING HOOMANS!!!!GO AND FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIAS(I'm online mostly on them than here qwq)💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕✨✨
Cooldude432 He is my classmate,We're both great classmates and his name is "Aeden",
MalaysianComrade Shoutout for Maud my online friends whose been seeing my parts in this book and arts on insta ÒwÓ
sttxlio shoutout for her qwq and don't worry We'll do the collab at instagram!(Uhm—Talking to my person I mentioned~~?qwq)And she's also great like every wattpadders around here OwO
//Please follow them they deserve more fame than me! ÒwÓ💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗//

Ya know what Soph's Always says~~?DON'T FORGET TO DAB AT THE END HOOMANS~~~!

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