Alternate Prologue

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  Sleeping, dreaming, resting, and then screaming. Luna was jolted awake by shrieks, high-pitched sounds. But what was it?

She looked around but only saw her little housefolk was sleeping with her teddy bear. She was not disturbed in the least, as if she had not even heard anything.

Blinking her odd eyes, the black and white fluffy-ball looked around the room, dark except for a shaft of streetlight streaming in through the window.  

It sounded like a kit was crying. It was so clear and loud, but how could that be, she was the only cat to live in the den.  

So she leapt off the bed and began wandering the home. No matter where she went the sound was equally intense.  

What could this be? She did not understand.

And then, it dawned on her she heard through her white ear and not her black, and usually the opposite was the case.  

Gasping, she looked to the sky, covered by the twoleg den roof and cried out, "Goddess!"

Little housefolk play on the materials put for them to climb and swing and slide on. The cats gathered in the sand, hot beneath their pads, and discussed matters.

"You heard Goddess?" Luna's father, Leif was astonished, perhaps even in disbelief.  

"Yes," she insisted, "I know it was!"

"What did She say?" her mother, a beautiful ragdoll named Muffin, asked.

Luna sighed, "Nothing, I mean, it sounded as though a kit were just born."

The pair exchanged glances. A black tuxedo tom licked one of his hefty paws and drew it over his face. "Well, m'dear," he decided, "Perhaps Goddess has returned to us."

"Yes," a young voice came. The young tom cat had medium length fur that was white with a little bit of ginger tabby. "I did not believe what you preached before, Luna, but now I do. For I heard what you described, I heard it myself." He blinked his eyes, one hazel, one blue. 

 Flicking the ear on the side of the blue eyes, he explained, "Usually this one has a hard time hearing, but last night was clear that I have no doubt what I heard was a supernatural being.

Spottedstar looked fondly at the cinnamon classic tabby and the black and white tom curled around the newborn kits.  

"This one is Aspenkit," Oakpool commented about the tom. Moving to the black she-kit, she said, "And this one Moonkit."  

Cloudeye spoke for the last, the white kit who had screamed as she entered the den, "And this one, the one who came as light first fell through the branches, shall be Sunkit."  

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