Chapter 4

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  The sky was dark and stars twinkled, the moon shone and hung like a claw in the sky. It was peaceful, serene. Moonpaw felt content even though she was all alone; she knew her clan was always with her even if not physically at her side.  

But then, light broke into the sky, turning it grey. The sun was rising, but as it rose it grew bigger and more intense than she had ever seen it. Soon the sky was orange and the moon and stars were nowhere to be seen. 

What was happening?

The air grew hot and humid, it scorched her skin and that pads of her paws. And then suddenly, a flame burst from a bush. And another, and one in a tree. It continued happening as the sun's intensity grew. Soon the entire forest was on fire.  

Moonpaw could barely breathe, both from the lack of air and the fear of dying. She looked around for a way out but saw none. The flames licked at her pelt, singing every hair on her body. All she could do was stare at the sky above and pray to the ancestors she could no longer see, wish for night to fall once more.

Waking to a ray of sunlight in her face, Moonpaw blinked away her sleep and found she did not feel rested at all. What had that dream been about? She could not help but wonder, as it was like nothing she had ever experienced before.  

Exiting the den, she found the camp to be alive. The sun was shining but the air was still cool, cooler than she had ever felt it. Still, it was not as bad as she had heard it would be, after the leaves would fall soon, white flakes would come down from the clouds.  

Thankful her dream was only that, Moonpaw began grooming herself. Riverpaw and Slatepaw were nearby, sharing a vole. Sunpaw was walking out of Ashlight's den and their brother and Littlepaw were working in the elders' den.

"Hey Palerose!" Riverpaw called out, his mouth full of meat.

The big, fluffy cream tabby looked to her apprentice, "Yes, Riverpaw?"

"Can we go hunting with Ravenswoop today?" He asked her.

Moonpaw felt her insides twist. Hunting with Riverpaw? Either it would be great fun, or it would end with her embarrassing herself!  

Palerose's yellow eyes widened in surprise and then she stammered, "Oh, b-but of course! I-I mean, if it is all right with him."

So Riverpaw abandoned the prey for the apprentice to eat, and raced to where the young warrior was coming out of dirtplace.  

"Hey Ravenswoop, can Palerose and I come hunting with you today?"

Ravenswoop was first shocked by the suddenness of the question, the way he had not had time to recompose himself from making dirt, but then he looked proud and answered, "Of course!"

Moonpaw kneaded the ground, praying to StarClan she wouldn't make a fool of herself in front of the handsome blue tabby and white tom.  

"I can't believe there's a gathering tonight," Palerose commented as they walked out of the camp entrance. 

Ravenswoop nodded, "I know, so much time has passed already!"

"Do you think I'll get to go?" Riverpaw asked cheerfully as he proudly added, "I did pass my recent assessment after all!"

Palerose nodded, "You did, but don't get your hopes up, Spottedstar may want to give the younger apprentices a chance."

"They went last time," Riverpaw moaned.

Moonpaw was silent, listening to the conversation and observing the way the others moved. She did not mind the comments, she was more intrigued. There was something between Ravenswoop and Palerose. The way she was out of breath when speaking to the dark tom, and the way he glanced at her and would quickly look away with a small chuckle, indicated that there were feelings had.  

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