Chapter 9

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  When the Great Garden and the Sea of Woe were destroyed, the spirits that would live forever began to fade into nothing. Some of them were made dormant by priestesses, which one could do with flick of a tail and a particular meow. Others survived by reincarnating into new cats.  

Celestia had learned a lot in the moon she had lived with Luna.  

She now sat at the sandlot, where young twolegs played. But they saw cats often and did not mind them too much.  

Stardust, a pale blue she-cat with hazel eyes and white markings, and North, a colourpoint tom with white, were sharing tongues with their sister, Luna.  

"I'm going to have kittens!" Stardust declared at one point. 

"That's wonderful!" Luna purred.

Celestia thought about the Queen's Keepsake, an abandoned twoleg den where the queens raised their kittens. Right now it was occupied by a silver spotted tabby named Queenie. She was only allowed to breed with cats like her according to her twolegs, but her current litter was fathered by the ruddy colored Pirate. The three daughters looked like a mix of their parents; Leo was bronze with black spots, Lea was red with ruddy spots, and Lei was silver with black ticking like her father had.  

There was another queen in town too; Luna's mother had another child. This was Princeton, a medium-furred cream and white tom with blue eyes.  

Blue eyed toms seemed to run rampant. Luna, Adder, and Celestia had discussed the matter. They left the toms be for now, but all understood that once Goddess was reinstated, action would have to be taken as surely She would never allow such an occurrence.

"Hey," a meow broke Celestia's concentration.

Thoughts dispersing like fish from a splash, she looked over her shoulder and saw Venom approaching.  

"Hiya," she purred. She had become especially fond of the tom.

He rubbed his cheek to hers, then asked, "What're you doing here?"

"Luna wanted to come see her littermates."

"Boring!" He exclaimed. 

She shrugged and said, "It is interesting to watch the twoleg kits play."

"Not when they try to grab you," he muttered and his ears fell flat a moment.  

Celestia shrugged.  

"I have an idea," he meowed and darted off, calling over his shoulder, "Follow me!"

Curious and excited, Celestia raced after him, following him down the sidewalks and alleyways. Finally they reached a webbed fence unlike the wooden ones around most twoleg dens.

He leapt on top of it, and slowly walked along it.  

"Oh, my, darling," he began signing slowly, "my sweet, sweet darling."

She giggled, "The singing fence, really?"

He bared his teeth in a smile and then continued with a pick up in tempo, "Oh darling do be mine!"

She just looked at him, amusement in her blue eyes.

"Come on," he broke from song, "sing with me!"

"Venom," she sighed with a slight laugh, "I can't sing!"

"Of course you can!" He replied and began again, "Oh my darling, my sweet, sweet darling, do come down the pale morning trail with me!"

She listened to him for several heartbeats, hearing him clearly like any other cat.  

"The dew drops will splutter, and the rays will dapple, and the trees will blow in the breeze!"

As he began the refrain, she joined in, jumping to his side and twining her tail with his, "Oh my darling, my sweet, sweet darling, oh do, my darling, please be mine!"

And then a twoleg yelled from a den high above them. They yelled back simple meows, but a moment later, something was flying their way. The pair scattered, landing on opposite sides of the fence. The object was unknown to them, some strange twoleg thing.  

They regrouped along a different sidewalk that ran along a different building.  

"Wasn't that special?" He asked her, his head tilted to the side.

She giggled, "Yeah, it was...something."

"Something good!" He insisted.

She looked him in the eye, " was good."

They purred and pressed close as they walked.  

"You know what's down that way?" He asked at one point and angled his ears in the direction of two buildings.

"What?" She asked.

"Mater's Alley," he said, "that's where cats who don't live together go to make kittens."

She felt her fur grow hot, "Okay, and?" 

"Just thought you should know," he said, "don't let a tom bring you down there."

"I won't," she promised, "I can't be a queen, I'm not a high priestess."

"Hmm," he replied but said no actual words.  

"What?" She asked.

"I don't know," he said.

They awkwardly walked for a bit before they reached her den.  

"Goodnight," he said to her.

"Night," she replied. They touched noses before parting ways.

The twolegs had learned how to tame fire. It rested in a hole in the wall. It crackled and popped, flickering its flames but not daring to come into the nest.  

It was a peaceful night. Celestia laid on the female twoleg's lap and purred while her medium-length fur was brushed. This made both of them happy.  

Closing her blue eyes, Celestia let her mind wander, her spirit be free from her body. She found herself staring into a pool of water. But the cat she saw was not her white-furred self. The she-cat had long, thick fur that was white with patches. Celestia had never before seen a cat colored in this way, and she found the best description to be "amber tortoiseshell" though she did not understand it. However, she did recognize the blue eyes staring back at her.

"Milady," Erikson's voice came softly.

Celestia looked up at him. They were in a field. The sky was blue and clearer than ever before.  

"Do you understand?" He asked gently.

"No," she told him, who am I looking at?"  

He sighed, "Time will tell you. Time and introspection."

Her eyes opened. She was still at the fireside being stroked by the prickly brush. Luna was nearby, sitting with the twoleg kit. They were watching the television, something Celestia had learned about in her time as a kittypet.  

She looked to the screen and saw an image of a lion. He looked into a pool of water and saw a reflection of his father instead of his own face.  

Blinking with thought, Celestia wondered if the reflection was supposed to be her mother.

But Oakpool doesn't look like that! She thought.  

She had never seen a cat that looked like that one. And yet, it felt so familiar, as though it were so obvious. She could only wish it were just so obvious!

She sighed and closed her eyes again. She listened to her heart beat. Thump, thump, thump. Suddenly, her eyelids flew apart and she jumped up, startling her twoleg.

"Goddess!" She cried out.

Luna looked up, "What?"

Erikson's spirit was nearby, and he nodded, "Correct."

Celestia explained to Luna, "I closed my eyes and I saw Goddess; She's stunning!"

"She's alive?" Luna replied.

Celestia purred, "Her heart beats as my own!"  

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