Chapter 10

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  "There is no need for you to be a medicine cat,"Cloudeye scolded Bluekit as he escorted him out of the medicine cat den.

"But, Papa!" The white and black, blue-eyed kit complained.

"No buts!" Cloudeye hissed to his son, "Ashlight is still vivacious and you are a strong young cat. You will make a fine warrior!"

"I don't want-" 

This time Milkpetal interrupted, "Bluekit, if I can be a warrior, so can you!"

"But I don't want-," he tried again.

Cloudeye swatted his ears, "No, you don't want that!"

Ashlight stood at the entrance to his den, watching and slowly shaking his head.  

"Do you think Ashlight was told when hes going to die?" Aspenpaw suddenly asked.

"What?" Moonpaw replied in surprise, "Why?"

Aspenpaw shrugged, "I mean, he's so anxious to have an apprentice."

"Well he isn't exactly young anymore," Moonpaw countered.

"True," Aspenpaw admitted.

Littlemud approached, her tail drooping as it had been all moon. But her ears pricked as she asked, "Have you seen Sunpaw at all? I know you were on a border patrol by the twolegplace recently...."

Moonpaw shook her head, "I haven't."

Littlemud sighed, "Oh...well...don't you think of her all the time?"

"No," Moonpaw said, "actually, I never think about her. She isn't my sister anymore."

Littlemud gasped, "But, blood is a bond that cannot so easily be broken!"

Riverpaw approached. For the first time, Moonpaw noticed that although he was two moons younger than Littlemud, he was much bigger than the small she-cat.  

"The only thing they share is the water of the womb," he commented, "and that is broken the moment of birth. Blood is what warriors share. We all have warrior blood in our veins and obviously, Sunpaw did not. And so, she is not really Moonpaw's sister."

"Don't be stupid!" Littlemud hissed. 

Riverpaw growled, "Just because you were in love with her, don't go hissing at me!"

Stormyfern limped over to the young cats, "What's going on over here?" Her voice was still strong despite the fact her body was growing frail.

"We're discussing Sunpaw," Aspenpaw said.

The blue tabby rolled her green eyes, "Can we please not? She's gone, so let's forget her." And with that, she walked to her daughter, Palerose, who was eating a scrawny squirrel with Ravenswoop.

Littlemud muttered, "But I don't want to forget...."

Cedarheart had been doting on Slatefur. It had been the first time the two cats had publicly displayed any sort of affection for each other. And still, Slatefur seemed so awkward about it, but perhaps that was just her personality. She wasn't a very open cat. 

Morningpool grunted, "I can't believe him." The dilute tortoiseshell was clearly not pleased.

"What?" Moonpaw asked.  

"He is only treating her well for the kits. Have you heard how he speaks to her?" She asked and then mimicked him, "'My kits will be so beautiful!' 'My kits will be strong!'"

Moonpaw blinked at the tortoiseshell and then realized she was right. Cedarheart didn't talk about the kits as a shared prospect, but as merely his own.  

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