Chapter 6

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  A cinnamon ticked tabby tom led the way. Ravenswoop walked at Cedarheart's shoulder, Moonpaw tagged along behind them.  

"Sunnyface reported a kittypet sighting, "Ravenswoop was saying, "around here."

Cedarheart replied, "From my understanding it was barely older than your apprentice."

"Still," Ravenswoop insisted, "we cannot let kittypets into our domain."

Moonpaw sighed. The whole clan knew about the kittypet sighting. But she knew there was more to it; when Aspenpaw asked Sunpaw about what she saw, she talked of a handsome tom who was kind to her.

Lost in thought, Moonpaw didn't realize the warriors had stopped and she ran into their tails.  

"Stay alert," Ravenswoop hissed, "don't you smell that?"

Moonpaw looked confused but scented the air, her mouth ajar. Sure enough, the reek of kittypet bathed her tongue and tickled her palette.  

Without waiting for a command, she stalked forward, toward the twoleg den. Stopping right before the brush ended, she saw a small black tom with white paws and sleek fur looking out into the forest.  

Ravenswoop passed her and called out, "What do you think you're doing?"

Cedarheart added, "Don't dare come into our territory!"

The tom looked down from where he sat atop branchless trees, lined around the twoleg's territory. He laughed, "I'm not even on your territory."

"You were the other day!" Ravenswoop assumed.

The tom calmly told them, "I'm looking for the white cat, the pretty one with sky blue eyes."

Moonpaw gasped, her heart missing a beat as she realized he was talking about her sister.

"What for?" She demanded.  

He coolly said, "She quite beautiful and friendly. She seemed interested in my life."

Ravenswoop snorted and muttered, "You can have her!"

The black tom's ears pricked, but he said nothing as if he did not hear the comment.

"Stay away from her!" Moonpaw hissed, "She will be a warrior, something far greater than you will ever be!" 

The tom bared his teeth, "You know nothing about me; you don't know what I can or cannot do!"

"You're just a kittypet!" Cedarheart growled.

The tom lashed his tapering tail, "My great-great-great grandfather knew forest cats; my family has been waiting for the time to avenge him."

Ravenswoop let out a laugh that came deep from his belly. Cedarheart rolled his eyes. Moonpaw glared at the tom.  

But she couldn't help but wonder what he meant.  

"Whatever kitty," Ravenswoop meowed. He sheathed his claws, telling the tom he didn't view him as a threat, and walked away. Cedarheart followed and Moonpaw took up the rear, glancing over her shoulder at the tom.

She had heard about this tom. He was handsome and kind and might have known a priestess. 

But really, he was just no good.  

"We met the kittypet again," Cedarheart reported to Stormyfern.  

Ravenswoop stood beside him, but Moonpaw walked over toward the aprpentices' den.  

"That kittypet is bad news," she told her sister.

Sunpaw's ears pricked, "You met Venom?"

Moonpaw nodded, recalling that is what Sunpaw had said his name was before.

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