Chapter 7

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  Stonefrost, Ravenswoop, and Riverpaw walked around Sunpaw. They were silent for most of the trip, but when they reached the edge of ThunderClan territory, Ravenswoop spoke up, "I hope we never see you again."

Stonefrost looked at the former apprentice and meowed, "I hope you find what happiness you're seeking."

Riverpaw looked at her intently and then looked away. That hurt her the most. She had always wanted his affection. Now not only did he withhold emotion from her, he gave it to her sister instead.  

"Hey!" A voice came. It was Venom. He leapt onto the strange trees and looked down with excitement in his minty eyes.  

"Hi," Sunpaw mewed with a little bit of cheer. She was happy to see him even though she was sad about the circumstances.  

"What's going on?" He asked.

"She's all yours," Ravenswoop growled and pushed Sunpaw toward the kittypet.  

She looked over the clan cats one last time before gathering her strength and leaping to Venom's side.  

She didn't bother to say goodbye.  

"Farewell," Stonefrost called so softly she almost didn't hear him.  

He led the other cats deeper into the forest, back to their home and the place where she was no longer welcome.

"You're one of us now?" Venom inquired.

Sunpaw nodded, "Yes, my clan does not love me."

"Who needs them?" He asked. Before she could answer, he went on, "Come on, come meet Adder!" He let himself fall from the trees, though he landed on his white feet, and dashed into the green clearing at the center of the territory.  

Sunpaw followed him more carefully.

"Adder!" He cried out, "Mama, come here!"

Curious, Sunpaw waited for a response. It was not long before a beautiful white she-cat with black ears and a black paw emerged from the den. Her ice blue eyes flicked from Sunpaw to Venom and back again.

"My son, you've found her!" She gasped excitedly.

"She's one of us now!" He exclaimed.

The she-cat nodded. "My name is Addison, or Adder. It is so nice to finally meet you."

"Did Luna tell you about me?" Sunpaw asked and explained, "I am looking for Luna; she's the preistess."

Adder laughed, "Dearest, why search for a priestess when you're speaking to the high priestess? And well, when you were born--Venom had yet to open his eyes--I heard a loud cry. It came from far in the forest but it sounded as if I were there. And I closed my eyes and I saw you, dear, you and your littermates and your mother, but most importantly you. And I knew you were something special. Of course, Luna was the one to report you to the others. I did not know that they were ready to know about you, but she did not think before she acted, she was so excited about your arrival."

"Why me?" Sunpaw asked.

"You don't know?" Adder seemed surprised.

Suddenly a tom spoke, "She is learning on her own, and will discover it in time." It was the black tuxedo tom.

"Very well," she nodded and then asked, "And does she know who you are?"

He shook his head, "I have yet to reveal that."

"Who is he?" Sunpaw asked, hoping for an answer.

Adder simply said, "His name is Erikson."

Sunpaw thought over the name, eyed the tom, and then wrinkled her nose, "He was renamed, he has a different name."

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