Chapter 1 - My best friend Ronald.

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* A lot of these chapters aren't edited yet! I made this story a while ago and my spelling and punctuation seemed to have been thrown out the window! - Please forgive me! I have grown up and now know how to spell *

Hi Guys! This is my first story on Wattpad! Hazzah! After reading a lot of the amazing stories on here I thought you guys could read one of mine. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1.

"Callie! Callie! Callie!" I hear a familiar voice call my name as I write down the order of the elderly couple seated at the table in front of me. I turn around and see a wavy red mess coming closer to me. I sigh loudly and step away from the couple at the table, offering them a smile as I give them some privacy. I place their order on the order plate and turn towards the person calling my name. Bregan. My best friend. I sigh again, louder this time as I take a look at her hair. It's bright red!

"Hi Callie," she says, leaning against the order counter with a smirk on her glossy lips.

"Hey Ronald," I reply smoothly, grinning to myself.

"Ronald?" She asks me in confusion.

"Yeah, Ronald McDonald. Nice hair." I  try not to let out a laugh. She hits me on the arm and self consciously plays with a small part of her hair hanging off her shoulder.

"It's not that bad is it?" She asks me, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.

"No babe, it looks great. I was only joking, chill out." I smile and roll my eyes in amusement.

Honestly, it does look great on her. Bregan is extremly pretty, and everyone knows it. Including her. She has bright blue eyes, which now compliments her new red hair, and a curvy figure she knows how to work. Bregan loves to flirt with guys, and the guys she flirts with love her attention. People call her a slut and they're probably right. Being truthful, she is a slut. But she doesn't care and that's what makes her amazing. She doesn't give a shit what people think about her, so she can get away with having bright red clown hair!

But me, I'm disastrous in comparison. I have long wavy dark brown hair and plain boring brown eyes. I have curves, but I don't show them off like Bree. I'm honestly not into any of the new trend fashion.Give me jeans and a plain t-shirt and i'm set! I'm extremely awkward and horrible when it comes to conversations, I'm so thankful when Bree's around because she NEVER shuts up!

"Were you even listening?" Bree sends me an accusing look. See what I mean? She never shuts up.

"No sorry, daydreaming." I admit, shrugging my shoulders as she scolws.

"Idiot, why are you still working here when you're going to be in Los Angeles in two days?" She raises her perfect eyebrows and crosses her arms across her chest.

"Well, for starters I could use the money." I tell her, also raising my eyebrows. Truth is, I feel guilty for telling my boss that I'm quitting. I've worked in this restaurant for 3 years now and most of the staff are my friends.

Bree scoffs beside me. "Yeah right, you don't need any money. You have everything you need to move."

I hate having to think about moving. I'm only nineteen. I know I'm legally an adult but I'm not just moving two hours away, I'm moving twenty-four hours away. I'm moving from Australia to LA. I've lived in Melbourne my whole life, I haven't even left the state! I honestly don't know how I will cope, all I know is that I have a job secured for me working in journalism for some stupid paper.

Suddenly a firm hand rests on my arm and I'm quickly snapped out of another daydream. I turn and find my boss, Gabe, studying me with his dark intense eyes.

"I know this is your last day but could you at least focus for ten minutes? I have three meals waiting to be taken out." I can see Gabe's disapproving frown lines on his face. I groan furiously on the inside, on the outside I  smile sweetly at him. I don't know why I feel guilty about leaving this place, I should be happy to get away and start something new.

I send him a quick and affirmative nod and walk around him to grab the plates off the counter. I smile once again at the elderly couple I had served before and place their food down in front of them. It's not long before most of the customers have finished their meal and are slowly making their way home. I untie my faded blue and black apron and throw it into the old wash basket at the back of the kitchen, the scrunched up piece of material gliding in without even touching the sides. I smile to myself and push open the heavy steel door leading into the small alleyway behind the restaurant. I spot Bree sitting on the ground playing with her phone. She lifts her head and nods to the empty space in front of her, clearly telling me to take a seat.

"Have you got a smoke?" She asks, holding out her hand. I make a disgusted face, crinkling my nose and she laughs loudly. "You should've seen your face. Hilarious!"

"You know I don't endorse smoking." I snap, taking my phone out of my pocket to check for any unheard messages. None, I'm so unloved.

"What do you want to do tonight?" She claps her hands together, silently plotting a scheme that will more than likely end up with me being absolutely wasted. "Your shift is over right?" I give her one fast nod, and squint my eyes, putting my thinking face on. She mimics my look, but also places her thumb and forefinger on her chin, stroking her non existent beard.

We both burst out laughing, just before the back door opens and Gabe comes out. We both stop and look up at him, he quickly lights a smoke and takes a drag, coughing wildly as he takes the smoke out of his mouth. Bree stands up stiffly and yanks me up with her. We both stand looking at Gabe silently. Awkward silence much. I look at Bree and she shrugs lightly, taking a step towards the backdoor, and Gabe. I follow behind her as she walks into the back of the restaurant. Gabe puts a hand on my arm, stopping me from walking any further. I look up at his hard face, he's about forty-five but looks a lot older than he really is. He flicks the ashes from his smoke and looks down at me.

"I just wanted you to know the whole staff are wishing you well for your job in LA." He says gruffly, his usual tone with me.

"Does that include you?" I ask him sweetly, an attempt to get him to show his softer side. He grumbles under his breath and I smile. I wrap one arm around his back and give him a swift hug, the corner of his mouth coming up into a small half smile.

"Thanks for everything, Gabe." I step away from him and into the kitchen. I see him nod and take another drag of his nearly finished cigarette.

The door closes behind me as I walk through the kitchen and grab my jacket off the employee wall hook. I sling it on and watch as Bree chats casually to a guy in one of the booths, leaning herself close to him so her elbow is resting on the table. I cough loudly and she slowly turns her attention towards me, looking at me through lazy eyes. I nod towards the front door and she briefly turns her attention towards the guy, grabs a pen out of her Chanel bag, and writes something on his hand. Three guesses what it was. She turns away from him and walks towards me smirking, emphasizing the swing of her hips as they guy clearly checks her out. She winks at me before opening the front door, her long red hair blowing behind her with the night breeze. I take a quick look at the guy who is now pulling out his phone, no doubt saving Bree's number. I slip out the door before it closes and walk a few steps behind Bree to her car. The unlocks it  and I slide into the passengers seat as she takes the drivers. She rev's the engine of her bright yellow BMW and turns towards me.

"Tonight we can either drink, drink, or drink. It's your choice." She raises her eyebrows a couple of times and grins.

"Hmm, maybe we should drink." I stroke my chin and listen to her giggle at the not-so-funny joke. She rev's the engine one more time before pulling out of the car park, taking off down the busy street. I can only imagine what we'll get up to tonight.


LA In two days! How wild can things get before then I wonder?

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