Chapter 26 - Final Decision

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"I still don't see why you guys had to break up!" Nat says, laying next to me on his bed. It's final, i'm moving back to Australia, the flights are already booked. Nat came to pick me up from Everett's, taking me back to his house. I stayed here last night, listening to him talk constantly about how me and Everett are basically made for eachother. It's now morning and Nat is still talking about my nonexistent love life. Like I need the fucking reminder!

"It's Everett's decision! If I had it my way I would still be with him!" I cry, telling him for what felt like the hundreth time that me and Everett are done. I roll off his bed, stomping angrily into his kitchen to make myself some coffee. I hear him thumping around as I pour him a cup, handing it to him as he walks over to me.

"Thanks baby cakes." He takes the cup and lifts it to his lips, sipping at it carefully. I walk over and plonk myself onto a stool, stirring the spoon in my coffee.

"Do you think he meant it when he said he loves me?" I ask Nat, earning a heartbreaking smile from him.

"Of course he did, it isn't half obvious that you two are crazy for each other!" I smile at his words, gaining a little bit of happiness.

"I think i'm just crazy!" I say, winking at him.

"I agree." He smiles and I punch his arm, making him spill his coffee.

"Fuck! Callie!" He screams, shaking his hand like a psycho chicken.

"Sorry!" I say, holding in a laugh. He places his cup in the sink and wipes his hand on some paper towel, scowling at me.

"Yeah right." He mutters, now cleaning some spilt coffee off the floor. I hear my phone ring and I jump up, running into Nat's room to answer it.

"Hello?!" I ask, hoping it's not bad news this time.

"Callie, it's Bree." She says, her voice sounding highly stressed.

"Hey, why do you sound so stressed?"

"Everett rang me." She says simply.

"And what exactly did he say?" My voice comes out harsher than I would've liked. Why did he talk to her?!

"He told me what happened with you guys. He sounded upset."

"Really? Good for him." I choke, why the hell did he tell her everything? That's my best friend!

"Cal, when are you coming home?" She asks me, I can hear her moving around.

"I'm leaving here in a few hours." I tell her, causing her to cough.

"Today?!" She cries.


"Okay.." She trails off, leaving the conversation dead.

"Is their anything else or..?" I don't know why I was being so snappy.

"No, bye." She hangs up angrily, leaving me to listen to the annoying beeps. I throw my phone onto Nat's bed and walk back out to him, sighing loudly.

"Who was it?" He asks, jumping up to sit on the counter. Counters are for glasses, not asses!

"Just Bree, I told her I was going home today." I say, running a hand through my messy hair. He looks at the counter for a second before meeting my eyes.

"I did something and i'm not too sure how you're going to react." He says, making me instantly worried.

"What did you do..?" I ask warily, squinting at him in confusion.

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