Final chapter

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I feel sick. Could it really be Everett who sent the ticket? Oh my goshness, I can hardly walk straight. People around here must think i'm high or something! Holy shit I see the movie theatre! I see the fucking movie theatre! Breathe Callie! I listen to my conscience and take a deep breath. I need to calm my crazy farm right about now!

I check my phone. 5:45 PM. I still have fifteen minutes before I have to go and face my mystery man. Or woman. Or transvestite. But I do really hope it's Everett.

I stumble into the main entrance of the movie theatre. I scan the area but see no one even remotely familiar. I ended up changing into jeans and a nice shirt, casual clothing always wins out with me. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around, holding my breath in anticipation.

"You look like a chipmunk when you hold your breath like that." Nat is standing in front of me with an amused expression on his face. I look behind him and see a smiling Bree. Why do they follow me everywhere?! They better not be having a secret bromance behind my back!

"What are you guys doing here?" I hiss at him, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the side of the room.

"You were acting strange after we got home so I called Bree and decided to follow you." He taps his chin. "Are you watching a movie by yourself? You do realise that's depressing right?."

"No i'm not watching a movie by myself!" I grind my teeth in annoyance.

"So you're meeting someone?" Bree asks now, resting her chin on Nat's shoulder.

"No, i'm meeting a french poodle!" I snap, running a hand through my hair.

"PMS." Bree whispers in Nat's ear, just loud enough for me to hear.

"I wasn't acting strange. I just want some alone time okay?"

"Oh you were definitely acting strange. Do you think walking around the house repeating ohmygodohmygodohmygod ten million times is normal behaviour?" He asks me, raising an eyebrow.

"That's normal for Callie." Bree says to him, holding back a smile.

"Really guys? Can we discuss my abnormal behaviour another time perhaps?" I roll my eyes and bite my lip. I am still freaking out about this!

"We're leaving now." Nat says suddenly, grabbing Bree's hand.

"Thank the heavens!" I whisper under my breath. I watch as Nat whispers to Bree and pulls her towards the front door.

"We'll talk later babe!" Bree says, her face breaks into a huge smile.

"Okay..?" I reply awkwardly. Why is she smiling like that? Is she laughing at me? Do I have something on my face? I casually wipe my face with my hand. Nope, i'm clean. I shake my head and pull out my phone to check the time. 5:55 PM. Five minutes until the movie starts. I'm going to have an emotional break-down before it's even 6:00 O'clock! I need to eat a snowball and chill, seriously.


I freeze. I know that voice. I miss that voice. It's him. Or is it? Maybe i'm going crazy and I think it's him but it's really just some random. I need that fucking snowball now. I slowly turn around to face him or her, or it. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Oh.My.Jesus.

"Everett?" I turn around and my eyes immediantly lock with his gorgeous green ones. My lips part and I drag in a shaky breath. It's not a tranny!

"Callie." He says as if he's reassuring himself. His lips turn up into his infamous smirk as his eyes roam my body, soaking up every part of me.

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