Chapter 19 - Run Away Baby

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Two updates in one day! Acheivement! *dances*


After four endless hours of non stop shopping, Bree finally found her I love LA top and we were headed home. Well, kind of.

"So, you don't have Everett's number?" She asks me, making me feel even more stupid. I scroll through my contacts for the fifth time, why didn't I have his number?

"We don't need him." I look at all Bree's bags and nearly take my comment back. Walking around the streets of LA with twenty shopping bags probably isn't one of the wisest choices. On the other side, i've definitely done dumber things.

"Are you actually kidding me? If I carry these things around my arms are going to fall off! And how can you not have your fuck buddies number?" I let out a loud groan and face palm myself.

"One, he's not my fuck buddy." I hold up fingers as I count. "Two, your arms will not fall off. And three, you're an idiot." She squints at me and scoffs.

"Their was no need for number three." She grabs her mountain of shopping bags and drags them to a bench, where she sits down and starts looking through her bags. Their definitely was a need for the third point.

"Bree, why are you looking through your bags?" I walk hopelessly over to her and plonk down on the bench, staring at her in wonder.

"Well, I have come up with a brilliant plan!" She says, pulling out one of her new bright pink lipsticks. She pops the lid and runs it along her lips, making a kiss in the air.

"What's this brilliant plan?" I ask, wondering why in the hell she would need her lipstick for this plan.

"Simple." She throws the lipstick back in one of her many bags and pulls her hair around her face. "I'm going to get us a ride." She winks at me and stands up. Ooh, I get it! Wait, no I don't!

"Huh?" I stand up and grab her arm, stopping her from walking away from me.

"I'm going to get us a ride." She repeats.

"Yeah, but how exactly is this going to happen? Do you have a magic lamp?" She shakes her head with a laugh.

"I'm going to do what I do best. Flirt." Hmm, she is smart. "My mother gave me these for a reason!" She cups her boobs and lifts them up, causing me to burst out with laughter.

"So you want me to wait here?" I ask, motioning to the bags at our feet.

"Yeah, i'll be back with some hot, rich billionaire." She smirks and turns on her heel, strutting down the street like a whore. Wow, what a lifesaver. Note my sarcasm. I plop back down on the bench, pulling out my phone and clicking on angry birds. Not having Everett's number is really bugging me, so much so that I caused my red angry bird to take off backwards! Ten frustrating angry bird dueling minutes later Bree came back, a guy wrapping his arm around her waist. I smile until I take one quick glance at the guy, my smile vanishing as quick as it came. Tristan. She fucking found Tristan! Calm down, she doesn't know! I stand up and pull my shorts down awkwardly, not making eye contact with either of them.

"Callie! Look I found a ride! A very sexy ride." I watch her run her hand up and down his chest, I shiver at the thought of him ever touching me.

"Callie?" Tristan says, a smile on his face. I feel my face turn white. Surely I must look like a relative of Casper. I just stand and stare at him, my bottom lip trembling.

"Callie, what's wrong?" Bree moves away from Tristan and stands next to me, grabbing my arm.

"Bree, tell him to leave." I hiss low in her ear, hoping he doesn't hear me.

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