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One year later.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Everett says, a tear rolling down his cheek.

I shake my head and smile. The overwhelming feeling of complete and utter joy takes over every single molicule of my body. This is amazing.

Okay, rewind.

The day after Everett and I got engaged we told everyone we knew. Of course they were happy, and some were finally convinced that I wasn't a lesbian that had moved to America to wed my mysterious girlfriend. But that's beside the point.

Everett and I got married the same day Bree and Asher got married. We had a double wedding. Bree's idea, of course. We then moved into my mothers old house and redecorated everything, making it more modern.

These recent months have proved to everyone that Everett and I will last. We obviously still fight and swear at each other to no end, but that will never change. To be fair, Everett has settled down reasonably well in Australia. Except when he went around all day using language only containing selected words such as 'mate, cobber, g'day and sheila.' Yeah, that day was pretty embarrassing.

Bree and Asher are still living together and are madly in love. It's actually kind of sickening to watch them together. Although they still party and drink most nights, they have become more responsible as a couple. I feel like a proud best friend.

Nat moved back to America but we still talk everyday. Steph moved over with him after they both confessed their undying love for eachother in one of those cute gay ways. I'm happy for them.

I haven't heard much from Addie and Tanner. I know that they are still together and have finally worked out that slutting around isn't the solution for everything. Unless your a prostitute in dire need of money.

With the money made from selling Everett's business, he bought a large building and started a new company over here in Australia. I don't like to get into the technical details of his work, seeing as I would most likely blow up something, but from what I understand it's all going well.

For me, i'm just being Callie. I've got a job writing in the local paper. It doesn't pay much but money isn't really an issue at the moment. Like Everett says, 'you need to have fun when you work,' and I enjoy writing.

Back to present.

"Y-you're pregnant!" Everett exclaims, wrapping his arms around me in a vice like hug. "Wait, is it mine?"

"Everett!" I snap, cursing him when he smiles sheepishly.

"I just can't believe it." He shakes his head, keeping his arms around me as he looks down at my stomach.

"You're going to be a daddy." I say, placing my hands on either side of his face. He looks back up into my eyes and smiles. A true smile.

"I love you so much." He whispers, leaning closer to kiss my lips.

"I only wanted a baby. You can leave now." I joke, resting my forehead against his.

"Okay, just let me pack." He steps away from me, taking a hold of my hand.

"What?" I ask him, frowning as his smile turns into the mischeif smirk he wears so well.

"I want to see my wifes baby bump." He smirks, dropping my hand to grabbing the sides of my shirt to pull it over my head. Now i'm left standing in my bra and jeans.

"It's not that noticable yet. I'm probably only a month or two along." I place my hands on top of his which are placed on the sides of my stomach.

"If we have a boy can I name him?" He asks, placing a small kiss on my belly button.

"Fine. But if we have a girl i'm naming her." I state, stressing slightly about this commitment. "What would you call him?"

"Beau." He says casually, like he'd already thought this through.

"Why 'Beau'?"

"I've just always liked the name. Problem?" He challenges me, tapping his fingers along my waist.

"No. But if we have a girl i'm naming her Poppy." I nod my head for emphasis.

"That's fine with me babe." He grazes his lips along my neck, increasing my heart rate enormously. "You know, you're already half naked. It wouldn't take much to strip the other half."

Good lord Jesus Christ, why does he do this to me?

"Are you planning on making a twin?" I try my best to not succumb to his sex driven ways.

"If everytime we had sex you got pregnant, you would be having hundreds of babies." He replies, still kissing me.

"I don't think I could handle one hundred babies. Maybe I should just put my shirt back on an--"

I'm cut off by Everett's lips crushing mine.

"I don't think so, wifey." He smirks. Before I can protest against my husband, he scoops me up into his arms and carries me into our bedroom.

Calm down Charlie Brown, we have the rest of our lives together to be thinking about making more babies.

And I couldn't be happier.



Oh my god. It's over! Waaa! *Sniff sniff*

I hope the epilogue cleared things up! I was actually going to delete this whole story or start it again because I really think I failed at it, hardcore.

Please leave your comments if you have any idea for anything else I can do. At this moment in time I don't believe I will do a second book, only because I wouldn't know what to write.

Please read 'My Name's Willow' If you liked this story!

I know it's kind of short and suckish but It's my first go at writing something. I'm going to go through and edit my other chapters so I won't forget about this.

I love all my readers and my friends who helped me with this. You guys kept me going. I love you. <3

Comment and vote for a last time my fellow wattpaders. <3

- Rumbleroarrules



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