Chapter 3: The New Girl

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I was dragged outside onto the football field. The other kids stared at us, and I became concious that Veronica was holding my hand, again. I tried to pry her off, but it was like taking a bone from a hungry dog.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up! Ready to play dodgeball, Meat?" Coach laughed heartily. The other kids snickered a little. Coach looked at the guys next to her, "Resse! Logan! Your captins! Pick fast; I want to see some slaughtering!" Coach loved dodgeball. She liked to see kids get knocked in the face, most of all, so face shots were encouraged. I don't know who is more psychotic - Coach or Veronica? I was to busy pondering the question to realize it was Veronica and me standing alone.

"Uuuum......I quess I pick Veronica. She might be good.", said Logan. I knew what he meant, "Anyone's better than that stick with legs." I sighed, and joined Reese's team. At least I'm not on her team. Everyone lined up on each side. The balls were lined up in the middle. They were big, red, and rubber. I really hope no one will hit me in the face. The whistle blew. Everyone ran towards the balls.

I was about to pick one up, when I got wahcked in the gut with a ball. I fell on my butt and stared up at the culprit. It was Veronica. What a surprise. She snickered and backed away. "Nice try, Kitty-Cat! Better wuck next time!" She skipped off, and I stumbled toward the bench next to me, clutching my stomach. What was that? It felt like a cannon ball was shot at me! And, "Wuck?" She didn't talk like that when we met, right? It then came to me; why she was speaking like a five-year-old.

She was trying to act cute in front of the guys! There was a guy walking by us when she said "Pwaying!" I started a list. She was cute, creepy, psychotic, deadly, strong, and now, manipulative. I really have to tell Faith. She's good at handling people. Maybe, she can help me get this crazy off my back. But, Faith was still in the game. I would have to wait until lunch. Hope I survive until then.......

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