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Chapter One
Natsu Dragneel
"Lucy, I already told you, I don't want to do this!" Natsu complained. He began to run his hands through his spiky pink hair, when Lucy slapped them away.

"Don't touch, I just styled that," Lucy commanded murderously. "And I already told you, you need to get out! Now turn around."

Sighing heavily, Natsu turned around to face his best friend, Lucy. The two had been best friends for practically their entire lives, and are attached at the hip. As annoying as Lucy could get at a time like this, he still loved her.

But not in that way. Lucy found out when he was fourteen that Natsu 'found himself' and decided he swung for the other team.

Therefore, Natsu harbored no feelings for the blonde, and vice-versa (Lucy had a boyfriend, their classmate, Loke).

Lucy studied Natsu's face, and took the glasses of the bridge of his nose. "Do you have contacts?"

"Yeah, they're under the sink, but I don't want to-" Natsu paused when Lucy bolted into his ensuite bathroom and returned in two seconds with a bottle of contact solution and a small plastic case.

"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Lucy said all-too-sweetly. Natsu huffed and quickly put his contacts in. "Goody! You look great, Natsu, just look!"

Lucy turned the swivel chair in the direction of Natsu's wall mirror. Natsu drank in his rather odd, but pleasant appearance. His previous outfit, a baggy band tank top and grey sweatpants, were replaced with a loose-fitting plaid shirt and black semi-skinny jeans. His hair wasn't disheveled like usual, but purposely styled in a spiky fashion. His glasses were tossed, revealing his large green eyes. Natsu unconsciously smiled and nodded.

The two went downstairs and flopped on the couch ungracefully, looking out the window for their ride. After a few minutes of staring at Natsu's dirt path driveway, a blue convertible pulled up next to the curb.

"It's Loke," Lucy clarified, pointing. "Ready to go, Na- why are you on your video game again?"

Natsu barely looked up from his PS3. "I wanted to beat this level," He mumbled. "Go without me."

"Come on," Lucy commanded, snatching the game away (much to Natsu's annoyance).

"You're coming, and that's final." Lucy grabbed his collar and dragged him out the front doors. "Bye, Happy!"

Natsu faked tears when he saw his cerulean cat companion perched on the overstuffed armchair he should be sitting on right now. "Help... Me... Happy!"


You're no help, dumb cat, Natsu thought crankily in his mind as he was shoved out the door and pushed into Loke's car.

"Evening, folks," Loke greeted charismatically with a wave. "Lucy, you're looking stunning tonight."

Lucy blushed a bit and complimented him right back. Natsu bit back a scoff and buckled himself in the backseat.

"Natsu, what happened to you? You look great!" Loke grinned.

"Thanks," Natsu mumbled.

"Oh, by the way, this is Gray," Loke ushered to the passenger seat. Natsu hadn't even noticed the boy in the front, now that he did, well. Raven hair that was perfectly messy, plum-colored tank top, darkwash jeans, and weirdly enough, sunglasses, even though it was almost dark outside. "Gray, this is Lucy and Natsu."

Gray waved curtly. "Nice to meet you."

Lucy stuck her hand out to shake, but Gray didn't take it. Frowning slightly and looking embarrassed, she put her hand back down.
"Gray and I were friends in middle school, when he moved away to go to another school after our first year of high school," Loke explained cheerily as he drove. "He's transferring to our school on Monday."

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