chapter 2

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The weekend went by painfully fast. I constantly caught myself looking outside my living room window, where I could get a perfect view of Skylar's house.

It was newly renovated. The sweet old widow who had previously lived alone there had recently passed away, leaving some fancy realtor to move in and completely redo it. It was smaller than my house, which was unreasonably big for just the three of us, but my mother's job paid well, not to mention the child support check from my deadbeat father.

I always found her sitting on the hammock on her front porch, either listening to music, reading, or writing in this old distressed book.

Sometimes she would notice me staring. When her eyes found mine, she flashed me this infamous smirk that made my stomach flutter, but I always looked away fast enough and hoped she didn't see me, which I knew was not the case.

Okay, I know what you're all thinking. Cara, didn't you say you hated Skylar?

I was intrigued by her, I guess you could say. I didn't want to spend my free time with her or anything like that. She seemed so guarded and I don't know, like, mysterious? I'm interested, I guess. She was just different than anyone I had met in this tiny town, it was hard not to get curious. I just wasn't sure if it was a good or bad kind of different. I barely knew her, but I just could tell she was not my crowd.

I'm not denying that I was mildly attracted to her. Just like how nobody can deny that Megan Fox or Patrick Dempsey are attractice It doesn't matter what sexuality you are, you can acknowledge that they're undeniably beautiful.

And that's exactly what this is. Nothing more than a mere appreciation of her beauty.

Today was Monday and I had school, which I dreaded. At least I had both of my art classes, drawing and sculpture, today, which I always looked forward to.

I just had to get through my stupid presentation on the Industrial Revolution and it would be smooth sailing from there.

My outfits for school were always pretty casual and consistent. I followed tradition, wearing a light blue shirt and a pair of black high-waisted leggings, along with my white hightop Converse.

After I had gotten myself ready, I made my way towards my kitchen.

There, I found my mom eating a bowl of oatmeal while watching the morning news.

"Good morning," she smiled, yet her eyes remained glued to the television screen.

"Hey, is Ricky still asleep?" I asked, grabbing an apple from the pantry.

"Nope, I'm right here," he announced from the living room, where he was eating a monstrous bowl of cocoa puffs while watching "The Sopranos".

"Want a to-go box for that?" I snickered, stepping towards him.

"Is it time to go already?" his eyes widened as he frantically checked his watch.

"Wait, have you been up all night?" I asked, noticing the empty plastic bottles and pop-tart wrappers surrounding him.

"What? Psh. No," he claimed, unconvincingly.

"Yeah, alright. Put on some pants and I'll be waiting for you in the car".

I made my way to my car and waited for Ricky, who didn't take long to get ready.

We both had cars but we usually carpooled for school, considering Ricky usually met up with friends afterwards.

As I pulled out of my driveway, I quickly caught a glimpse of Skylar walking down the street in the direction of the school.

Normally, I would have just left her there, but it was like 95 degrees and a 2-mile walk. I'm not that big of an asshole.

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