Smiling After A Slap

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A/N So this is my very first story on wattpad. After reading wattpad stories for a long while, I finally started writing my own.

I apologize for any mistakes but please feel free to comment and tell me about those.

Hope you'll like it.!

Andifyoudopleasevoteandcomment :)

Photo of Aiden on the side! :)


Imagine smiling after a slap on your face. Then imagine doing this

24hours a day. Well,that's the pesky part of being me. And that's exactly how I'v been feeling for a long time.

Here I am sitting in the sidewalk of a road, unable to pull myself up. Watching his back as he walked away. Wishing he would turn around and come back to me. Expecting him to realize what he had done a few minutes ago.

I find it hard to believe that he is the same guy whom I was head over heels in love with. I felt ashamed to accept the fact that in the past few months,I had been running after him like a mad puppy.

Anyone might think that I am an obsessed psycho. But it breaks my heart to think that we once used to be the it couple of Willamount High.

I cant deny the fact that even after all that happened, I'm still madly in love with him. I just cant seem to hate him come what may. Well, you cant blame me.

The person I'm talking about here resemble some Greek god!

Aidan Black, that name itself gives me enough goosebumps.

The way he stands 6'2' tall and his dark brown hair falling messily into his eyes can make any girl go dreamy about him. Those emerald gems of eyes take my breath away every single time I look into them.

No matter how many times I see them, It always makes my heart leap with joy. And and, his blood red full lips gives his faces utter perfection. I swear I just want to kiss the life out of him like there's no tomorrow. When his lips meet mine, the whole world around us disappears. I feel like I win free tickets to heaven every time.

And his voice, just...


Here I go drooling about his features again!!


I think about him and my poor helpless brain goes berserk and I cant seem to think right. Not that I act any better.!

I know it's insane but I think my reasons are enough to prove the point that it's hard, very and I'd rather say impossible for me to hate him or forget him. Well, that was about enough of it!

I noticed passerby's on the road staring at me like I grew two heads.

So I slowly got up on my feet. I wanted to scream on top of my lungs and get these sick feelings out of my gut.

The tears forming in my eyes threatened to fall. So I did the first thing that came into my mind.

I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Not bothering about the weird looks people were giving me. I ran all the way to my house and for the first time in years, I felt relieved and glad to be home.

Aware of my mom in the kitchen, I crouched up the stairs and urged into my room.

Flopping on the bed, I sobbed silently. Seconds later, the sobs turned into screams and kicks with an outburst of hot tears.

That moment, every freaking shit in my life was replaying in my mind. I remembered my dad leaving. How strongly Aidan felt disgusted with me. How much of a burden I had become to each and every person in my life.  How fucked up my life was.

I cried painfully letting out the pain I had been holding up for so long. I cried and cried till my tiredness and pain drowned me into a dark emptiness, falling deep into the nightmares that awaited my sleep..

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