Hit Where It Hurts The Most

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"Owww.!" I looked up rubbing my shoulders and wished I didn't. 

"Serrah, um.. I'm sorry..I wasn't looking where I was going and ..about yesterday I.. "

I cut him off before he could finish. "Dont Aiden. Just Dont..Dont say you'r sorry cause you are so not sorry." I pushed my way out and started to walk away. But Aiden pulled me back.

"Please just listen to me."

"No! Why should I? And why would I?! Why are you doing this NOW? Just leave me alone cause I'm fucking done with everything that has anything to do with you!"

He stared at me for a while and ran his hand through his hair like he wanted to rip it off. "Oh yeah? Like two years ago? Can you even blame me for this?! You did what you had to do and when you wanted me back again did you fucking expect me to let you in again?! Would it be easy for me huh?"

He practically screamed at me and by now I was sure everyone in the hallway were staring at us.

"You didn't want  to let me in again, fine I can understand that but one and half year I ran after you! It's not a short time when guilt gets on your nerves every living second! And when you cry your eyes out every night and when the one you love wont be there for you when you just need someone to hug you and tell you it's gonna be okay! I hurt you but you've been torturing me for more than a freaking year!! Now, I request you, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I freed my hand from his grip and started walking away.

On the way I looked at the gathered crowd and yelled, "What? Mind your own fucking business!"

Even though I said this, I knew each and every one of them will start gossiping and spreading the story within minutes!

I stormed all the way to literature class and mentally groaned when I remembered that I couldn't take the books from my locker earlier. Well, screw this. Who cares!

I took a seat next to Taylor who was eyeing me suspiciously.

"What?!" I spat at her..

She just smirked at me. I thought I saw tears in her eyes but waved off the thought when she rolled her eyes at me.

"Did you know you could totally win 'Miss Universe' looking like that?" She asked still with the smirk.

I glared at her and she raised  her eyebrows, her eyes wide with a innocent look. I stared at her for a while and burst out laughing.

"Wow..You really suck at being cute!"

She scoffed at my comment and said, "Heard about what happened." 


I rolled my eyes and she nodded agreeing. "I know I know..highschool  gossipers..They crave for drama's like that. Anyways, Im just glad you said all that. It was about time. Don't feel bad about it because you did absolutely nothing wrong." I gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.

Taylor opened her books as Mrs. Harrison entered the room. I sat there day dreaming for a while and got bored of Taylor being so silent all of a sudden.

I poked her on the right arm. She looked up from the book and snapped. "What is it?"

 "Geez, are you PMS ing or something? I dont have my notebook so will you pleease lend me a paper?" I asked batting my eyelashes.

"Hah, and you tell me I suck at being cute!" She gave me a paper before I could say anything.

I shutup because come on, I didnt want to get bitch slapped in the face by a grumpy Taylor! But as far as I knew, something was surely up with her..

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