1) Y/N's Party

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Yoongi: 16
Hoseok: 15
Jimin: 13
Y/N: 13
Twins: 10


I woke up cuddling into my big brothers chest. Yes I had slept in their room again, it's kinda a habit now. Yoongi groaned in his sleep as I cuddled in even more into his chest, not wanting to leave the comfortable warmth surrounding me.

"Y/N get up we need to get dressed for school" Yoongi mumbles to me. I shake my head, eyes firmly closed as I placed my head in the crook of his neck. "Wake up! It's your first day of high school Y/N" Yoongi complains, shaking me slightly.

"Nooo... you're too warm... please five more minutes Oppa?" I sleepily respond.

"Nope!" Yoongi replies before pushing me off the bed.

"Oww!! What the— AHHHH!!! BLOOD!!! IM BLEEDING!!!" I screamed as I noticed the blood that stained my sweatpants.

"Nooo it's in my bed also..." Yoongi pouts. The door busts open with Jin standing there.

"YOU'RE BLEEDING!?! WHAT HAPPENED!?! WHAT DID YOU DO YOONGI!!" Jin asked frantically as he ran into the room. "WHAT HA— Oh" Jin stops mid sentence as he saw the scene. He smiles gently at me before helping me stand up.

"Dad.. my stomach hurts..." I clutched my stomach that felt like it was going to combust from the muscle cramps.

"Yes, that's what's gonna happen Y/N, you're on your period" Jin gently says as he walks me back to my room, Yoongi following behind. "I need to get the others ready can you tell her what to do Yoongs?" Jin smiles gently at Yoongi, he nods. Jin exits the room leaving Yoongi and me alone.

"What's happening to me Oppa...?" I asked worried.

"Don't worry, all girls go through this at some stage in their life" Yoongi smiled before leading me to my bathroom. He grabbed some clean clothes and underwear before telling me to sit on the toilet seat. It wasn't awkward seeing as all my brothers gets me clean clothes and sometimes my undergarments if I was as an example, in the shower and forgot my clothes.

"So this is a pad, you put it on your underwear like this" Yoongi informed me, holding up a pad that he found in the small cupboard in my bathroom. He demonstrated how to put it on before explaining what's happening to me. "You're going through a stage called puberty, you're chest has already started to grow so it was only a matter of time before this, you will grow hair in places like your armpits, so just shave every now and then" Yoongi smiled at me whilst I nodded.

"Everyone goes through puberty, me and Hoseok already have, Jimin has yet to come but it is different for everyone, boys normally don't go through it the same time as girls the same age so it's normal that Jimin hasn't gone through it yet, the reason why you are bleeding from that area is called the menstrual cycle also known as your period, it's just how your body processes things ok?" Yoongi asked making sure that I am getting all this information. I nod smiling slightly, glad that someone is explaining what the hell is going on with me.

"Boys and girls go through puberty differently so that's why I'm explaining this to you, umm, your pad you'll haven't to change a few times a day because if it gets full it will leak, and that's really it" Yoongi shrugs. I nod before smiling.

"Can I get changed now please Oppa? I am literally sitting in my own blood" I smile awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, um take a shower, get dressed and I'll get some pain killers for your stomach" Yoongi smiled, ruffling my hair before leaving the bathroom, returning a few minutes later to hand me a towel.


I walk downstairs and saw everyone's eyes on me. Yoongi smiles apologetically at me before I was harassed by hugs. I was asked questions like "are you ok?" "Does it hurt" "will you be ok" and things like that. I pushed them away from me gently before walking over to my chair, taking a seat.

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