24) Is Love Blossoming?

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Later that night, Chin-sun and I were talking the whole night. We talked about literally anything that we could think of. I found out that she has triplet younger siblings and one older sibling who was in university.

We talked about the exam which was coming up soon and how we would actually have a study sesh sometime. While on the call, I was attacked by the two youngest.

They ran in and jumped on my bed, pulling my legs so that I fell off the bed. I fell with a thud and a groan.

"Yah!!! What the hell is wrong with you two!" I yelled at them, abandoning my phone as I chased them around my room. Eventually I huffed and went to grab my phone, only for it to be stolen from me.

"YAH!!! KIM TAEHYUNG GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!!!" I screamed as I chased him down the stairs and to the kitchen. Taehyung was laughing the whole way before he stumbled and dropped my phone in the garbage disposal which Dad (N)was turning on.

"NO!!!!" I screamed but it was too late. My phone was nothing but parts and broken circuits now. I stood there with my mouth wide open.

Dad, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook, all run into the kitchen. They looked at the scene and Dad (J) walked up to the garbage disposal and saw my destroyed phone.

"What happened?" Dad (J) sighed.

"Jungkook and Taehyung came into my room! Pushed me off my bed! And then Taehyung stole my phone and threw it in the garbage disposal and then Dad turned it on!" I yelled.

"It wasn't my fault! I tripped!" Taehyung defended himself.

"Yeah well! Screw you!!" I shouted at him.

"Ok Y/N that's enough screaming, go to your room and don't come out until dinner" Dad (N) sighed, getting a headache from all the yelling. I groaned before stomping my way upstairs and into my room, slamming the door shut.

I pouted as jumped onto my bed, face first.

Now how am I gonna talk to Chin-sun, she probably thought that I left her, OMG WHAT IF-

My thoughts were cut off by knocking on my door. I didn't say anything but the door opened and someone, well two people, rushing over to the bed. They instantly jumped on me, hugging my tightly. Instantly I knew it was the twins.

"I'm sorry Noona!! I didn't mean to destroy your phone, I-I slipped a-and-" Taehyung sniffled as I turned around and hugged them back.

"It's fine Taehyungie, annoying yes, but I'm not gonna die" I smiled as I ruffled his hair. Taehyung smiled his bright boxy smile and nodded cheerfully.

"Y/N Noona can we go play games!" Jungkook asked with his bunny smile.

"Yeah" I smiled before the two younger boys ran outside. I chuckled to myself slightly while getting comfortable on my bed.

Shortly after the twins ran back inside with IPads. Two belonged to the twins themselves and then the last one belonged to the family. We laid on my bed and just played every multiplayer game that we had until it was time for dinner.

We put the IPads down and raced downstairs to the kitchen. However, me being me tripped and fell down the stairs, crashing into the small table that was placed in front of it. Everything that was on it came crashing down onto me.

Dad (J) came rushing in, worry plastered on his face. I tried to get up but I was stuck. Dad noticed me struggling and tried to get me out but was scared if he was hurting me.

"Are you ok my baby?!" He asked worriedly after a while of trying to get me unstuck. There would definitely be bruises tomorrow.

"I-I'm sorry Dad" I smiled sadly as I looked at the mess that I made.

"No, it's fine, I wanted to get rid of that vase anyways" Dad smiled. I turned and saw everyone looking worried.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Dad (N) asked as he walked over and picked you up. I winced as soon as he picked me up which worried him even more.

"I think we should take her to the hospital, just to get a check up" Dad (J) suggested.

"Yeah" Dad (N) agreed as he walked towards the door.

"Yoongi, you are in charge, dinner is ready so just serve it and we should be back soon" Dad (J) nodded at Yoongi who nodded back with a thumbs up. Yoongi them ushered everyone into the kitchen, well all except one. Jungkook had stayed back, still worried.

In the end, he came with us. After we had arrived, Dad (N) carried me inside before placing me onto one of the seats in the waiting area. Dads had gone to talk to the receptionist whilst I sat with Jungkook.

Well, that was until the seat next to me was occupied by someone familiar.

"Hey, are you ok?" Chin-sun asked worried as she looked me up and down, looking at my condition.

"Yeah, just fell down the stairs, nothing unusual for me" I chuckled shyly. I'm getting that feeling again, my heart is beating so fast. Chin-sun moved a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled. I smiled back shyly and she giggled slightly at my reaction.

"So clumsy" Chin-sun smiled as she gently kissed my cheek. I bit my lower lip as I felt my cheeks heat up and turned the other way.

"Hi! I'm Jungkook!" Jungkook introduced himself with a small head bow.

"Hi Jungkook! I'm Chin-sun, it's nice to meet you" Chin-sun gave a small head bow too.

"This is my younger brother, one of the twins" I smiled. Chin-sun nodded with a smile. "How come you're here?" I asked, only now just wondering.

"Well, I was visiting my Grandma, she's been sick for a while and has to stay here" Chun-sun smiled sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry, I hope she gets better" I gave a small smile.

"She is, she is finally walking around after a while" Chin-sun smiled while she thought about her Grandma.

"I'm happy to hear that" I smiled.

"Y/Nie the doctor will see you now" Dad (J) called out to me.

"Well, I'll see ya around" I smiled as I went to get up but instead Jungkook picked me up. "Yah! Kim Jungkook How are you so strong!" I gasped as I carefully held onto him.

"Not only am I strong, you are really light, so it's easy to carry you" Jungkook shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"Muscle pig" I muttered under my breath.

"What was that Noona?" Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow, trying to look intimidating.

"Nothing Jungkookie" I giggled before we made it to the doctors office.

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