32) Confrontation

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It was the next morning and everyone was coping easier. Everyone had stopped crying but weren't going to attend school for the day. I woke up to see another note but couldn't bring myself to get out of bed.

Eventually I sighed, sitting up and grabbing the note. Once I read it, I had to read it a couple times for it to really sink in.

Kill one of your loved ones

I couldn't, how could I possibly do something like this, especially to one of my loved ones. I quickly threw my blanket off of myself, grabbed the note and ran out the door. I ran down the hallway to Yoongi's room and knocked on it harshly. An extremely tired Yoongi opened the door with an annoyed face.

"What?" He grumbled in his morning voice.

"Speak, my room, now" Was all I could say. Yoongi's facial expression instantly turned into a concerned one. He turned around, telling CJ he'll be back in a second before walking down the hallway to my room.

I opened the door and walked over to my window, closing it and locking it. Yoongi was confused but didn't question it, not even when we walked into the bathroom door, locked also.

"Why are we in the bathroom?" Yoongi finally voiced out. I fidgeted with my fingers for a few moments before taking a deep breath.

"Y-you know how Hyuna was being threatened into doing things and well, she refused and now she... she's..." I trailed off, Yoongi nodded stepping closer and grabbing one of my hands.

"Please, don't tell me it's happening to you too" Yoongi whispered, his voice laced with sadness and desperation. I nodded, tears escaping my eyes. Yoongi stepped back, his hands going up to grip onto his hair. "Fuck!" Yoongi cursed. He looked back at me and noticed the note.

I looked down at the note and gave it to Yoongi. Once he read it, he instantly scrunched it up, throwing it in the bin and looking at me with such a terrifying expression. An expression that had no words to describe it. An expression that wanted blood.

"We need to tell Dads" He spoke with such a dark voice which made me shiver. This was no longer Kim Yoongi.

"No" I whispered, too affraid to speak up.

"No?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "This is serious Y/N, we need to tell someone" He spoke with such authority.

"I-I wasn't even supposed to tell you, i-if we tell someone else and they find out, everyone will be killed Oppa, please" I sniffled. Yoongi softened up a little before sighing.

"Fine but we need a plan" Yoongi sighed, turning around to wash his face with some water. I nodded before thinking of what to do. Yoongi stood back and looked at me. "Here's the plan".


It was cold, rain pouring down with lightning every now and then. I was walking down a shady neighbourhood, Yoongi's hoodie clinging onto me from the rain. It was the only thing that was giving me a sense of home, where I was safe.

"Oppa, I don't like this" I whispered, clutching the phone tightly.

"It's going to be ok Y/N, I promise, I won't let anything ever happen to you" Yoongi spoke back, reasurring me.

"Ok, I-I'm going to hang up now" I sniffled slightly.

"Alright, don't worry Y/N I'm right here and can see everything, nothing will happen, promise" Yoongi said once more.

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