15) Bullying

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Monday Taehyung's POV

It was now Monday, not much happened on the weekend. Only Y/N Noona going out with CJ Noona for their girls day, and Yoongi Hyung going out with CJ Noona the next day.

Kookie is still sick, so he can't come to school today which is really upsetting. I'm getting ready now, already did my daily routine and now getting changed.

I'm really excited to go to school today, because we are getting a new music teacher, Mr Lee I think his name was. I can't wait to meet him since we have been having casual teachers for a couple weeks.

Anyways, I finished getting ready, bag packed and everything before walking downstairs to where everyone is already seated. Well except for Kookie, Yoongi Hyung and Y/N Noona.

"Oh morning Tae!" Dad (J) smiled as he placed a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Morning Dads, morning Hyungs" I smiled before digging in.

A couple minutes after, Y/N Noona wakes up and joins us. By that time we had all basically finished our breakfast.

"Morning everybody!" Y/N smiled as she sat down in her usual spot.

"Nsnskamnef!" I smiled.

"Jwosjwndjdnei" She smiler back and winked.

We ignore the stares of our family and continue eating.

"Ok everyone time for school, and Y/N could you please do the dishes and ask Yoongi to clean the pool, it's getting dirty" Dad (N) smiled as he picked up his, mine and Dads plates up and brought them over to the sink.

"Yeah sure" Y/N nodded as she continued eating.

We all walked to the front door, putting our shoes on. I grabbed my jacket that I had left on the bench a couple days ago and put it on as well.

We walk outside to the car and all get inside. Dads first drove to my school which I got out, alone, which was really weird since Kookie is always with me. It also makes me a bit nervous.

I watched as Dads and Hyungs drive off towards the high school before turning back to my own school. I take a deep breath before walking inside and quickly rushing towards my classroom.

On the way to my classroom I walked past one of the music rooms. I walked past but went back and looked inside after hearing an unfamiliar song played on a guitar.

I peeped my head inside the room and watched a young man play the guitar with his eyes closed. I watched as his fingers carelessly ran over the strings as his face showed different emotions.

I watched as he played without any mistakes or faults. As if he played from his heart. The mystery man opened his eyes and looked at my direction. Before I could move out of his sight he noticed me and smiled.

"Are you going to come in?" He asked. I gulped before walking inside and taking a seat near him. "Don't worry I don't bite" The man winked.

"A-are you perhaps the new music teacher sir?" I asked which made him smile.

"I am, who may you be?" Mr Lee asked.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" I smiled.

"Ahh, why hello there Taehyung, is it only you?" Mr Lee asked as he looked towards the door.

"Yeah, only me today Sir, my twin Jungkook is sick today" I smiled.

"Oh well best wishes to him" Mr Lee smiled. Suddenly the bell rang which caught both our attention. "Well I think it's best for you to run along to class, hopefully we have a class together at some point" Mr Lee smiled.

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