27) Thoughts

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Jimin's POV

In the morning when I had woken up, I was being squeezed to death by Y/N. I smiled as I watched her sleep peacefully for a little while. I sighed happily as I relaxed myself slightly and wrapped my arms around her. She instantly snuggled up against my chest.

I chuckled slightly and looked around. Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok were still asleep. All three of them snuggled together so that they wouldn't fall off the bed. When I looked around, I noticed that Yoongi wasn't here anymore.

Must've woken up early, I thought with a slight shrug.

I sighed as I closed my eyes once again, falling back asleep as I thought about when I was away. How lonely it was. How boring it was. How saddening it was. But also how good it was regarding the reflection part.

I woke up every morning, wanting to go to school but I didn't know how to confront her. I didn't know how to confront my own sister! Sometimes I wish that I was Yoongi Hyung. He knows how to comfort Y/N when she's down. How to take care of her when she's sick. He knows her favourite foods, drinks, colours...

Heck!! He probably even knows who she is crushing on! I mean he already knows her Secret Admirer. Well, not really a secret anymore.

I wish that I was a better brother for her. The kind of brother that Yoongi Hyung is, or Hoseok Hyung, or Tae and Jungkookie. I wish that I could protect her instead of hurting her all the god damn time!

I sighed as I carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake Y/N up. After some struggle I was able to get out of bed without waking everyone up. I walked down the hallway while yawning and running a hand through my hair.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I looked around, noticing that Dads weren't awake. I shrugged before walking to the fridge and grabbing out some eggs and bacon.

I can do this. Yeah! I nodded to myself encouragingly. I walked over to the stove and grabbed a pan. I turned the stove on and began making the bacon and eggs.

Eventually burnt bacon and eggs were made and served with some juice on the table. One after another everyone woke up. Dads woke up first, then Hoseok Hyung, and then the Twins. They all took their seats, all except Yoongi Hyung and Y/N.

"Jiminie, could you please go get Yoonie and Y/Nie" Dad (J) smiled his motherly-like smile.

"Yeah ok! Enjoy the food!" I smiled as I got up and made my way up the stairs. I walked into Yoongi's room first and noticed that he wasn't there. I looked around confused before hearing the shower, in the hallway, way turned on.

I walked over and knocked on the door. There wasn't a response but I could clearly heard movement. Soon enough the door creaked open and Yoongi's head poked out.

"What?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"Breakfast is ready, Hyung" I smiled.

"Yeah ok, I'll be down soon" Yoongi sighed slightly as he closed the door.  I nodded to myself before walking to Y/N's room which was down the hall. I knocked on the door and a messy looking Y/N opened the door, yawning.

"Yeah" She yawned.

"Breakfast is ready" I softly said, giving a small smile. She nodded as she extended her arms. I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up. Y/N wrapped her arms and legs around me and I began walking downstairs.

Yoongi ended up joining us not long after, hair all wet and messy. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone had somehow already ate everything.

"Where's all the food?" I asked with a pout.

"It was so good that we ate it all! Sorry Y/Nie and Yoongi~ah you're gonna have to eat cereal" Dad (N) chuckled nervously.

"It was so bad that you all threw it in the bin, wasn't it?" I sighed with a small frown.

"Yes Hyung!! I thought that I was gonna die!! I might as well go back up to the planet hhwifhwufhbkw and eat some of their food!!" Taehyung yelled before doing some weird alien chant thing. I pouted as I nodded slightly.

"It's just that it was too burnt to eat honey, if you'd like I can watch over you next time so that it doesn't get burnt" Dad (J) suggested as he grabbed out the milk and various types of cereals. I nodded with a small smile.

Everyone began to eat their cereal before going upstairs to get ready for school. I sighed as I made my way up slowly after everyone else. I went to my room and got ready for school. I really didn't want to go but what am I gonna do, I've already missed a whole week.

Eventually after a while I was dressed and ready for school. One after another we began to pile into the car. I looked out the window and watched as all of the houses and trees were blurs as we passed them. I watched as the school slowly faded into view and sighed once more, for the hundredth time today.

Once we made it to school, we all got out of the car, walking inside after saying our goodbyes to Dad (J). I noticed how CJ ran up and instantly hugged both Y/N and Yoongi and the three of them began to walk inside.

So she stays with them now, I thought to myself.

I followed behind them, ignoring the calls of my friends, if I could even call them that. I kept walking behind them until they stopped at Y/N's locker. Y/N and CJ were talking about some girls night they were gonna have on the weekend.

I watched as she opened the locker door and smiled when she saw something. I watched from afar as she pulled out a stick-it note. She read it before turning around where she was attacked by...


Why is she with Chin-sun?

Is Chin-sun her... secret admirer...?


I guess she is...

I looked away from them hugging and how bright Chin-sun's smile is. I looked away from how Chin-sun blushed. I looked away from how Chin-sun kissed Y/N's cheek.

I looked away from my crush and my sister. Together. Being happy. Blushing. As if they were in love.

I looked away with a broken heart.

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