Not an Update!

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Hiiii! So firstly I just want to say that I am ok now I am better and will be writing again soon, promise and that I have a Wit account now!

Hiiii! So firstly I just want to say that I am ok now I am better and will be writing again soon, promise and that I have a Wit account now!

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So please go check it out and well yeah read my stories and stuff sksksk.

Anygays I was already writing on this like chapter so he was what I was gonna write:

Ok firstly! I am extremely sorry for how long this is taking to update! It's just that school is being a bish and is being very stressful and I hate certain teachers and it's just, annoying, like sis, stop putting so much work onto students and expect them to understand it when you don't explain it, like seriously!!

Anygays secondly, the reason as to why I'm also being so slow in updating is because I am currently having extreme writers block!

Also I've recently gotten this like app and I've been doing some edits on them! So enjoy these!

Also I've recently gotten this like app and I've been doing some edits on them! So enjoy these!

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You can't really see the border, but it's like a Polaroid photo, y'know like on film?

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You can't really see the border, but it's like a Polaroid photo, y'know like on film?

You can't really see the border, but it's like a Polaroid photo, y'know like on film?

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I had such a hard time doing these, like mah gawd why are they so hot!!

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I had such a hard time doing these, like mah gawd why are they so hot!!

Also I'll be doing more so yeah!

I purple 💜💜💜 You all!
Salanghaeyo Annyeong!!~

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