11) Girlfriend?? Bad Dinner!

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A/N: first off I just wanna say I am sorry for such a late update it's just that school is being a beach and being incredibly stressful and also I have extreeeeeme writers block, yay 😕😒 Anyways I hope you enjoy his crappy chapter!! Also the chapter is longer, cause I made you all wait so long 💜💜💜 Btw this chapter is like 4500+ words.

"Y/N" Dad (J) quietly called out to me. I was currently on my bed, wallowing in boredom. I turned around on my bed to look at the door where Dad was standing. I sat up on my bed and Dad took it as a sign to enter.

"Are you ok honey? You didn't eat much lunch" Dad asked concerned.

"Yeah, it's just the Dream was different from my normal bad dreams so I'm confused as to why it's different" I sighed as I flopped down back on my bed. Dad chuckled at my actions and walked over and sat down on the side of my bed.

"Maybe it's a good thing?" Dad tried to say positively, yet his tone had slight doubt laced in it.

"It wasn't good Dad, it was worse then my normal ones" I pouted with a small sigh.

"If you'd like you can tell me about it" Dad suggested and I, once again, sighed.

"So, I was in the kitchen with Yoongi Oppa, and he was heating up our lunch, when he handed me my food there was a knock on the door so Oppa went to check it, I heard him shouting and then he went quiet, so when I turned around and was about to ask him if everything was ok, something was covering my face and it went black" I took a deep breath.

"When we woke up, Oppa was behind me so I couldn't see him and we were tied up by our hands, Oppa kept on saying things like 'it's going to be ok' and stuff, but then this woman came and was like, taunting him and repeating what he said and laughed afterwards, w-when she came into the light it was my... ex-mom, s-she said that she wanted me a-and that she needed Yoongi Oppa there so s-she could get to me... and that's when I woke up" I took a deep breath as I rubbed my now glossy eyes.

"Oh honey..." Dad said before pulling me into a hug.

"I-it just felt so real Dad..." I whispered into his chest.

"Don't worry honey, nothing going to happen, you're safe here, I promise" Dad whispered and continued saying sweet and calming words whilst stroking my hair. After a while we ended up lying down on the bed, me cuddling into Dad's chest.

"Dad... do you think that Mom still wants revenge on me?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know honey, but all I know is that if she ever comes back and tries to harm you I will personally give her a beating, no one hurts my baby, my babies to be exact" Dad smiled as I chuckled slightly.

"Thank you Dad, I love you" I smiled as I looked up and gave Dad a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too honey, anyways I was also coming to tell you that we have some guests coming over, the Im family" Dad smiled when he saw my eyes sparkle.

"Yaaaay!!" I smiled as I jumped up from my bed. "Wait when?" I turned back around and asked.

"What time is it..." Dad said as he turned his head to look at the clock on your bedside table. "Six or seven hours, it's still only 1pm" Dad said which I nodded at. "Wanna help make dinner?" Dad asked hopefully, cause y'know cooking dinner for like fifteen people alone is hard.

"Okie!" I smiled.

"Oh and get Yoongles too please" Dad smiled as he stood up.

"Yoongles?" I chuckled.

"It's cute" Dad shrugged as we both walked to the door.

"Yeah I guess, just don't say it to Oppa cause y'know he'll be all like 'I'm not cute, I'm bad boy, see this three dollar chain, I got so expensive glasses and I'm so rich'"(Sorry I had to) I mimicked Yoongi which caused Dad to windshield wiper laugh. We walked out, Dad going downstairs and I walked to Yoongi's bedroom.

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