☆♡ T H I R T Y-T W O

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"Superclean" - The Marías

Gilbert's pov

"I would love to."

Holy shit, I just said that. Are we like a thing now?

"So, do we need to add anything on to our contract?" She asks. Then I get to thinking, does she think it's a fake relationship again?

"Is this a real relationship?" And she nods.

"We don't need a contract then, we just need to trust ourselves." I say with a big smile.
(A/n ewie. Ik)


Anne's pov

We went to school the next day and people already knew we started dating again so I like "shit ok. I guess everyone knows"

I mean I was chill with it. But ruby? Oh sis, definitely not.

She just looked not ok, she kinda looked constipated...

"I-I.. I just don't understand, what's so good about her anyway?"I heard ruby say.

I wasn't eavesdropping, she was talking loud so I accidentally over heard.

She was on the phone with someone.

"It doesn't make sense piper! Everytime I do the same thing she does, ITS NOT THE SAME ACCORDING TO HIM." It didn't feel right to keep listening so I went back to what I was doing, which was heading to class.

Legit everyone was looking at me, it's not like I didn't expect this to not happen.

I'm dating fucking Gilbert Blythe.

E V E R Y O N E loves Gilbert Blythe.

I heard the bell ring so I rushed to class and Mr Phillips, who is surprisingly still working at this goddamn school was standing in front of the door just ready to mark my tardy.

"Anne Shirley, you are late." He says and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh no. You caught me." I say and the class snickers.

"Miss shirley, just get to your sit and shut that mouth of yours please." He says getting annoyed.

I went to my seat which was next to Gil's.

"Hey ca-" gil says and I cut him off.

"Don't even think about it. You have no right to call me that, and you know that Gilbert Blythe." I say and Gil chuckles.

"Yes ma'am."

It's been like 3 months... idfk.
But I'm busy.
And my stupid ass decided to make another book. Smh.
And sry for the short chapter!!

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