Belial Edge...Part 1...

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After a week...

It had been a week since Muraku's chariot was attacked, and they didn't seem to find him yet. Which made Jin more than nervous for this whole week.

Not to mention Otohime's attitude towards Elie since she became her personal maid, something that made him want to kick her out of the castle more than anything else. Yet, he was obliged to obey his grandfather and be nice to her...

At the tavern...

A whole week since Muraku was brought there and it seemed that everything was going very well.

That day, Rina and Mika got out of the room after changing Muraku's bandage. They met with Arata and Ban as they were going down the stairs.

Rina: " good morning, Arata, Ban."

They both nodded at her before continuing their way up, when suddenly Mika grabbed Ban by the arm.

Mika: " there is something about Muraku..."

Ban, Arata and Rina turned to her and Mika continued.

Mika: " he wanted to ask if you found a dagger with him back when you found him in the forest?"

Ban: " no, I don't think so."

Mika: " I see, I will tell him then."

Ban: " is it something important for him?"

Mika: " sa, he never said anything about that but I felt he was concerned about it so much."

Rina: " then I'm sure it means a lot for him."

Ban titled his head in thought before speaking.

Ban: " fine, I think I will go back to where I found him and see, maybe he dropped it there."

Mika: " ok, I will ask him about it later. But for now, I think we should check on Runa."

She said turning to the blue haired lady.

The fairy nodded and they both walked away.

Arata: " you know, it seems that Seekers has every kind of people."

Ban turned to Arata who continued.

Arata: " Ninjas, fairies, person with elements controlling abilities and magicians. I'm surprised to see them all gathered under one roof. And despite their differences, they all are nice to each other and doing their best to keep this group going on."

Ban smiled and said.

Ban: " yes, Seekers is the place where everyone can forget their old social positions and come together as friends."

Arata: " do you think Muraku will join it..."

Arata quickly stopped when he realized what he said.

There's no way the prince of Rossius would join their team.

Ban: " maybe."

Arata snapped at the strange answer. But Ban looked at him with his usual smile and said.

Ban: " Seekers is a place for everyone, who ever wants to join us will be welcomed. Because we want to make a better future, and that involves Muraku too."

He said before going up to his room.

Arata turned Ban's words in his mind.

Arata: " make a better future to everyone..."...

Deep in the forest, Hiro, Gouda, Takuya and Haruki were observing the soldiers movements.

Gouda: " they have been searching non-stop for a whole week, give us a break!"

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