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( Author's note: again, the trident isn't that good, but that's my best 😅 )

Far away from the four kingdoms...

A little kid around ten years old was looking at the sky from his balcony. A brunette woman came from behind him.

Woman: " Maa-kun, your breakfast is ready."

Maa: " they will be here by today, Mama."

Mother: " yes, it's finally the time to let them know their past."

She said as she looked at the gold box on the table...

In the sky...

Old man: " here we're deyo~. Akihabara kingdom..."

He announced once the ship came out of the clouds and flew above a certain kingdom.

Ban: " Akihabara kingdom!"

Old man: " the kingdom knowing for its myths, it's the kingdom where the past is hiding deyo~."

He moved next to Masashi who was in control of the ship. He pointed at the huge castle in the middle of the kingdom and said.

Old man: " land there deyo~."

Arata: " wait! Land directly in the castle's garden!"

Ami: " aren't we going to be in troubles like that!"

Old man: " don't worry deyo~. You're the king's special guests deyo~."

The ship finally landed down, and everyone, except for Rina, came out.



They both snapped when they heard the familiar voices and turned to face a certain blunette and a certain red haired young woman.

Ban: " Hiro! Ran!"

Arata: " Ran nee-chan!"

The couple ran to them.

Hiro: " it has been a while, Ban-san, everyone!"

Ban: "ah! But it seems you got something, Hiro."

He said pointing at the blue trident on Hiro's back. Hiro took it and showed it to everyone.

Hiro: " this is the legendary trident of water, Poseidon."

Arata: " the fifth legendary weapon!"

Haruki: " but, how!"

Ran and Hiro exchanged looks and a smile.

Flash back...

They had been walking since they left their friends, following Hiro's visions.

Ran: " the fifth legendary weapon is in Rossius' lake?"

Hiro: " yeah, I don't know where it's exactly though."

Ran: " it's ok, we will find it by ourselves. We should go back with it, for everyone else and for those whom we lost."

She looked down, remembering those who had lost their lives for them.

Hiro: " here we're."

He announced as they came out of the bushes and faced a huge lake.

Ran: (sweatdropping) " so huge, how can we find it here!"

" Find what?"

Hiro and Ran went into a fighting position when they heard that voice.

Ran: " Kamiya Kousuke!"

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