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Five days later...

Ami was walking around with a map in her hand.

Kazu : " why should we check this route and its surrounding?"

Ami: (without rising her eyes from the map) " the queen's procession will be coming through this route since it's the royal rout between Harness and Arabista and it won't take them more than half a day to reach Harness."

She looked around as if she was looking if someone was hearing them.

Ami: " although the protection would be way too heavy on this route, we're sure Bandit will find a blind spot and manage somehow to get through the protection."

Kazu : ( giving her an annoyed look) " I heard that even Jin increased the protection too. So why all those worries?"

Ami gave him a pointed look.

Ami: " did you forget that their master has the scythe of darkness! He can kill everyone easily!"

She pushed the map into his hand and took a small magical black book with the world ' Seekers' engraved on it in the magical language.

The black book that Reina's father invented was mass produced over the last year, and it was used for military communication purpose. And the world that is engraved on the book's cover is the symbol of the group using that book. That means that the books with the same symbol on their covers can connect each other.

The other members of Seekers had the same books and if someone wrote something on his book it will appear to everyone on their books.

Ami flipped through the pages and read what the other groups had wrote.

Ami: " it seemed that no one had found anything suspicious around. The queen's procession will come tomorrow and we didn't figure their plan yet!?"

Kazu sat on the ground and put the map in front of him.

Kazu : " let's stop walking randomly."

He said as he waved at her to sit down. She sat in front of him and gave him a questionable look.

Kazu : " why did Ban ask to protect her from the instant her procession steps into Harness?"

Ami: " easy, they want it to look like if Harness was after her death and so they will kill her in Harness and not in Arabista."

Kazu : " Takuya-san and Lex said that she knew about Bandit, and most likely her followers know about them too."

Ami nodded.

Kazu : " if Bandit tried to attack her directly, won't that be a proof that Harness has nothing to do with her death."

Ami put her finger on her chin in thoughts.

Ami: " that's right, even if she won't tell all the commanders about the attempt to kill her to avoid unnecessary problems, they will know that it was Bandit and not Harness if they attacked directly."

Kazu: (smirking) " so they have to attack from far away."

Ami: (narrowing her eyes) " a sniper..."

Kazu : " maybe, maybe not, they can even set some traps, right."

He took the pen that she used to write on the magical small book and said.

Kazu : " let's pin point the possible spots of their traps and snipers."

Ami: (smirking) " here our trap maker and sniper gets excited."

Kazu : (smirking back) " it's me against their snipers and trap makers. Let's see who is the smarter."...

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