Day 1

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"Okay Sweetie, your bag is packed and you have your lunch?" Levy's mom asked her.

She nodded her head 'yes'. Her mom smiled and kissed Levy on both of her cheeks.

"Try talking to people and making friends. You're in highschool now Levy." Her Mom suggested.

"Maybe." She smiled. Levy kissed her mom on the cheeks and left her house. Levy walked down the sidewalk towards her school, Fairy Tail Academy.

On her way, she saw friends regrouping. They laughed and hugged eachother. It made Levy remember when she had friends. Also how they left her after she stopped talking when her dad died.

She wanted to talk to people. She really did. But, she was just so afraid. She was afraid to care for people. If she had lost another person, what would she do? She already had lost herself in the world of books.

What would happen now? The only person she really cared for was her own mom. Her and her mom were very close. She was basically the only friend Levy had for the past 3 and a half years.

All she needed were her books and her mom. Or so she thought. All this did to Levy was make her socially awkward. Never talking to anyone or hanging out.

Sad, really.

Levy walked into her new school. She liked the way it looked. Wooded floors, blue walls, red lockers. It just looked nice to her.

"Attention, All Freshmen please report to the gym, please and thank you." A kind voice said over the intercom.

Levy took a deep breath. She walked until she found the door labeled 'Gymnasium'.

She walked in and heard a lot of chatter coming from the bleachers. In front of the bleachers stood a tiny old man and a tall woman with long platinum white hair.

Levy took a seat where she could. She sat on the edge of the first row next to a group of girls. "Aw, look at her, she's so adorable." One of them said. Levy blushed at the comment.

Yeah she was short. So what? She didn't like being called adorable. It made her feel small and not taken serious.

Then, the old man started taking. "Welcome everyone to Fairy Tail Academy." People began to cheer.

"My name is Principal Makarov. This lovely lady to my side is Assistant Principal Mirajane." He introduced them.

"Hello. You can all call me Mira." She smiled.

After the introductions, they explained how the day would work and where to get their schedules after this ceremony was over.

Everyone got their schedules, including Levy. She headed to the first class that was listed on her schedule.

Literacy- Ms. Carla

She headed to the room she needed. As she got there, there was only one seat left available. It was next to a blonde haired girl.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Levy quietly asked the blonde.

"No, go ahead and take it." The blonde girl smiled at Levy. Levy put her things down next to the desk and took a seat.

"My name is Lucy, by the way. Lucy Heartfilia." She introduced herself.

"My name is Levy Mcgarden." Levy shyly told her.

"Well Levy, its nice to meet you." Lucy smiled at Levy.



Gajeel walked silently down the hallway. People judged him because he used to have a psychotic mom. They all thought he would end up the same, so everyone avoided him.

His first class was literacy as well. He sat in the very back towards the window. In the back he wouldn't be noticed much. Which was perfectly fine to him.

Over the years, his mom had been locked up in a asylum. She tried to call him when she got phone privileges, but Gajeel just couldn't and wouldn't forgive her. He never answered her calls.

Why should he? He had no reason to talk to her. She killed his family. What was he supposed to do? Pretend it never happened? Nope.

"Oo, who's that guy. He's cute." One girl whispered to her friend.

"Ew, don't go near him. He crazy. Like psycho crazy." Gajeel lowly growled at the girl's comment. He heard them from across the room. He had a pretty good sense of hearing.

The teacher came in not to long after. "Hello Class. My name is Ms.Carla. (In this story, Carla and Happy are human, so think of them as human forms) Sorry to inform you, but there are assigned seats." Everyone grunted.

She began naming the seat assignments. Kid after kid after kid. Finally, she pointed to a desk in the middle of the room. "Gajeel Redfox and.... Levy Mcgarden." She said. Gajeel stood from his seat and walked over to the seat he was assigned to.

He took a seat and saw Levy take a seat next to him. She didn't say anything to him. She didn't even bother looking at him. All she did was stare into her lap.

"Hey." Gajeel greeted. She didn't say anything back to him though. She just looked away and tried to see if he would just ignore her.

"Shrimp. I'm talkin' to yah." He growled.

"Did you really just call me a shrimp?" She aggressively asked him.

"I did. Its not nice to ignore people." He smirked.

"Look, I don't know you. You don't know me. Its best you don't call me a nickname like shrimp." Although Levy had gotten anti-social, she could still be pretty aggressive to people.

'So that's why she isn't giving me dirty looks. She has no idea who I am or what happened in my past.' Gajeel thought to himself.

"Alright... Shorty." He laughed to himself as Levy glared at him. He justed laughed at the face she was making at him. It was like a cat. Angry but adorable.

"Listen, you and I are stuck together in this desk for awhile. Might as well get to know eachother." Gajeel told her.

"I- I can't." Levy stated

"Why?" Gajeel asked.

"Because, I just... I just can't, I'm sorry. It's not you, really. I'm just- nevermind." Levy stopped.

"Alright, fine." Gajeel grunted.

Levy then thought of what her mom said, 'Try talking to people and making friends.'

"You know what? Let's talk." Levy said with more confidence.

Gajeel smirked, "Alright." For the rest of class, they talked together. People gave Levy weird looks because she was talking to the supposed "psycho".

After class, Levy left smiling. It felt good to have an actual friend after 3 and a half years. Gajeel was glad someone kindly spoke with him and not behind his back.

Thats the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. So... yeah. Tell me if you liked it.

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