'It can't be...'

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On Gajeel's way home, he tried processing the things he was feeling in his mind. What were they? That was the first question he asked himself.

'Think Gajeel. When do you get this feeling?'' He pondered for awhile going over his day, thinking back to all those times when he felt this certain way.

Then, he thought about Levy. He stopped dead in his tracks. "Shrimp?" He whispered. 'No no, it can't be... Can it? No, I just met the chick, there's no way.' He told himself.

He began walking again. Once he got home, he was greeted by John and a guest. "Gajeel, look who's here, its you're cousin, Lily." (BTW, I made pantherlily human, okay, just see the picture above)

"Been awhile Gajeel." Lily smirked. Pantherlily was his whole first name. Lily was the only actual family Gajeel had left that he actually cared for and trusted.

"I'd say the same. What are you doing here?" Gajeel questioned, folding his arms.

"Can't I visit a family member?" Lily glared at Gajeel.

"Whatever," Gajeel scoffed.

"Why don't you two talk in your room for a bit while I get dinner going?" John suggested. Gajeel shrugged and walked to his room.

He wasn't worried about it being dirty because he was a typically tidy person. "Hows school?" Lily asked as he plopped himself down on to Gajeel's bed.

"Eh, it's school, how's it supposed to be?" Gajeel answered his question with a question.

"Any special ladies?" Gajeel found himself getting choked up by Lily's particular question.

He coughed and started his response. "No. Why would you even ask. No one could ever love me."

"I think you're lying." Lily crossed his arms and once again glared at Gajeel. Gajeel could feel his body tensing up. His face heating up. He turned away from Lily so he wouldn't see the blush spread across his face.

"So there is someone?" Lily said with a surprised tone. He laughed a bit then started talking again. "Whats her name?"

"I told you there is no one!" He grabbed Lily by the collar of his shirt. Pantherlily struck Gajeel in his stomach.

"If there was no one, you wouldn't be so defensive now would you?" Lily smirked.

"Shut up before I knock you out." Gajeel growled.

"I'll ask once more Gajeel, what's her name?" Lily pushed on.

"I swear I'm gonna kill you-" Gajeel grabbed Lily by his collar once more but was interrupted as John walked in the room.

"There's someone here to see you Gajeel." John grinned. Gajeel dropped Lily and followed John out of his room to the front door. His heart stopped once he saw Levy standing by his front door observing his home.

"Levy? What're you doing here?" He asked. Her eyes landed on him and she had an instant smile.

"You left this earlier..." She gave him a large jacket that was in her hands.


"Just put it in my locker." Levy told him. Gajeel was having locker issues and the bell was soon to ring.

"Ugh, fine." He threw his jacket into Levy's locker. "Stupid locker."

"Come on, let's just get to class." Levy laughed.

~End of Flashback~

"Oh, thanks Shrimp," Gajeel took the jacket into his own hands. Lily came up from behind Gajeel and threw his elbow on to his shoulder.

"So this is her, huh?" Lily teased. Gajeel growled and punched Lily in his chest.

"If you don't shut up..." Gajeel threatened.

"Who's this?" Levy asked.

"No body." Gajeel said angrily.

"I'm not 'no body', I'm Gajeel's cousin. Pantherlily, Lily for short." Lily introduced himself. "Its nice to meet you..."

"Levy. Levy Mcgarden." She said quietly. "Umm..." She whispered. "I better be going. I'll see you later, Gajeel." With that, Levy left.

"She's pretty. I say go for it." Lily smiled. Gajeel steamed with anger.

"I hate you so much." Gajeel said with a closed mouth.

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" He asked.

"I have my reasons..." Gajeel cooled down.

"Reasons being?"

"First, I'm not even sure these 'feelings' I have are real. Second, I just met her. Third, she would never love me. She'll probably graduate high school and marry a doctor or something." Gajeel admitted.

"You won't know 'til you try." Lily shrugged. Gajeel sighed.

"Dinner's ready." John called. The two walked into the kitchen and grabbed a steaming plate of steak and fries.

"Thanks John." Gajeel and Lily said in sync.
'Maybe I should tell her, just to see how she responds... But what if that screws up the one friendship I have? I don't know what to do...'

Heyy. There's that chapter, feel like I could've done better, but I did write this chapter late at night. So, sorry.

Anyway, happy holidays everyone. That's if you celebrate a holiday this month. If you don't... Well this is awkward.

Haha, just kidding. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter at least a little, thank you for reading this chapter. You can Vote, Comment, Follow Me.

I Lovvvvee You So Much!! Byyeee!


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