And So The Bullying Starts

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"Hey honey, how was your first day? Did you make any friends?" Levy's mother asked as Levy walked into their home.

"Oh yeah, I made friends with a supposed psycho, and a blonde girl." Levy said with a sarcastic tone. "People even started rumors about me! Aren't you just so glad I tried talking to people!" Levy went over to her couch and face planted on to it.

"What? Who's picking on you, and what do you mean supposed psycho?" Her mom took a seat beside her on the couch.

Levy sat up on the couch. "So, in class, I sit next to this guy, Gajeel. He talked to me, so I tried talking to him. We became friends. Then people started pointing at me and saying stuff like 'oh she's gonna marry the psycho' and other stuff. I asked my blonde friend, Lucy, I told you about earlier, well I asked her what they meant and she said that Gajeel was a supposed psycho."

"Why is he a 'supposed pycho'?" Levy's mom asked while putting air quotes when she said 'supposed psycho'.

"So I guess his mom was crazy and people think he's gonna become crazy like her. I don't know, I don't understand." Levy shook her head.

"Well honey, I'm sure its just like the way you thought of people after the incident. You thought everyone would be like that." Her mom added.

"Yeah, but they have no proof." Levy complained. Her mother caressed Levy's head.

"As long as you know the truth, its fine." Her mom tried to reason with her.

"No its not. Not as long as they continue to spread those nasty rumors about him." Levy sighed. "And I'm not even sure what the real truth is."

"You will one day, I know it. Now, how about we go out to eat somewhere nice. To get your mind off of things for a bit." Levy's mother stood up, making Levy stand up with her.

"Sure, let me just change out of my uniform." Levy left to her room and changed out of her school clothes into comfy, casual clothes.

Levy and her mom got into the car and headed to a near by café that Levy had really taken a liking to over the years. Her mom would take her there whenever Levy was having a bad day, which was pretty often.

After Levy's father's death, she began to have nightly nightmares. Some worse than others. These nightmares would put Levy in foul moods. She wouldn't talk, eat, or drink. Levy's mom got worried. So one day she decided to take Levy out to eat and that always made Levy feel better.

When they got there, they took a seat and a waitress came by to get their order. "I'll have the chocolate strawberry crêpes with a caramel macchiato." Levy ordered.

"I'll have the same." Levy's mom told the waitress. The waitress nodded and walked away to the kitchen. Levy looked around the café and spotted the girls who were picking on her earlier in the day.

"Oh Mavis." Levy put her head down on the table.

"What's wrong?" Her mom asked.

"Shh, it's nothing. Just... Tired is all." Levy lied.

"Levy. You know I can tell when you're lying." Her mom sighed.

"Please mom. I don't want those girls over there to see me. They're the ones who were picking on me." Levy lifted her face up a bit more so she could give her mom pleading eyes.

"Fine. They're just lucky I am an adult." Levy's mom grunted.

Later, after dinner, when Levy got home, she got a message from her social network page.

Gajeel Redfox

Hey Levy. I know. You're probably wondering how I found your page. I'm not a stalker, I promise. I just thought, well I actually don't know what I thought.

Levy began typing back.

Levy Mcgarden

Hey there. Don't worry, I didn't think of you as a stalker at all. Its not unusual to search for someone on social media :)

They started having a conversation after that. Both of them sharing things about each other, getting to know each other. But neither sharing their pasts. They both knew that was a line that needn't be crossed.

The Next Day


"I'm leaving, John." Gajeel called out as he began to step out the front door of his home.

"Don't get into any trouble, Gajeel." John, Gajeel's foster father, warned.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Gajeel closed the door behind him and began to walk down the street so he could get to school. On his way, he saw Levy on the other side of the street. He called out her name and waved to her. She waved back to him while she smiled.

She looked both ways down the street and then ran across to meet up with him. "Hey." She greeted her new friend.

"Yo." Gajeel replied. Him and Levy walked down the street side by side.

"How's your morning so far?" Levy asked trying to start a conversation.

"Fine." Gajeel shrugged.

"Oh." Levy sighed not knowing what to say now. They got to the school not two minutes after. As they entered the hall, they had caught others attention. Bad attention.

Those people began to watch their every move. Studying them. The first bell for class rang. Everyone left the halls including the people who watched Gajeel and Levy.

At the time of Lunch, Gajeel and Levy were walking together again, mindlessly talking to each other. The people who observed them quickly walked up to them. Four girls, four guys.

The guys knocking out Gajeel and the girls covering Levy's mouth, making her fall asleep with a special technique and dragging her away. The guys all helped picking Gajeel up. Two of the guys threw Gajeel's arm over their shoulders. They dragged them all the way to behind the bleachers.

The people woke Gajeel up with a hard slap. Levy and Gajeel's eyes shot open. Levy began to hyperventilate seeing the guys and girls surrounding her and Gajeel. Bad memories of her past filled her mind. Memories she had blocked out and tried to forget.

"Shrimp, calm down. These wimps won't do anything." Gajeel tried calming her.

"Wh-what do you want?" Levy stuttered, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to pour out from the brim of her eyes.

One of the girls laughed. "To toy with the psychos."

Bum bum bummm. Heyy. I haven't updated this for about a month and some days. I'm sorry.

I will try harder to update quicker.

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I Lovvvvee You So Much! Byyeee!


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