Time To Think

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"What did Lily mean by 'her'? Was Gajeel... Talking about me? No no Levy, he probably doesn't see you like that. Stop assuming. You're just close friends... Yeah that's it." Levy spoke to herself as she sat on her bed. As much as Levy thought that would make her feel better, it didn't.

She couldn't tell what was wrong, but there was definitely something wrong. She didn't know what. "Ah! Maybe one of my books can help!" Levy jumped off of her bed and went to her large book shelves. "But which one..." Levy pondered looking over the many titles.

She slumped down on to her knees and sighed. "I have no idea what I'm doing." She fell on to her back and stared at her ceiling.

"Levy?" Her mom knocked on the door. Levy turned her head to the door and called out, "Come in."

Her mom opened the door to see Levy sprawled out on the floor. "Are you... Okay?" She asked walking in to Levy's room sitting beside her.

Levy covered her face with her hands and let out a muffled "No."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"I just don't know whats wrong with me." Levy sighed, uncovering her eyes to make eye contact with her mom. "I feel some type of way, but I don't know what it is."

"What's causing this feeling?" Her mom asked.

"I don't know! Whenever I think about or talk to Gajeel I just feel all weird." Levy said, despair entwined in her voice.

"Oh honey, I know that feeling. Just give yourself some time to think about it. I'm sure you'll know what it is soon enough." Her mom began standing up. Before she could leave, Levy grabbed her wrist.

"Why can't you just tell me what it is?" Levy asked all desperate like.

Her mom smiled and gave a little laugh. "That's not for me to tell you." Levy let go of her mom and watched her walk out of her room.

"What am I supposed to do?" Levy asked herself


"See you later Gajeel." Lily smiled as he left Gajeel's home. Gajeel closed the door behind Lily as he left.

'I don't like Levy like that, do I?'' Gajeel thought to himself. Suddenly, memories of Levy flashed through his mind. Her smile, her laugh, her everything. He shook his head to free his mind of his thoughts.

"Hey Gajeel, you alright?" John asked.

"Yeah, I uh... I'm fine. I'll be in my room." Gajeel left to his room where he laid on his bed and stared at his white ceiling.

"You just met her Gajeel. You probably only like her because she's the first person to actually be nice to you. I'm sure its just a phase." Gajeel spoke to himself. He grunted flipping over, punching his pillow.

The way he felt frustrated him. He didn't know what to do about it which made him more angry. He sighed and face planted in to his pillow.

"Maybe if I just avoid her a little..." Gajeel thought. He nodded his head and that's the plan he went with.

~Time Skip: Next Day at School~

Every time Gajeel saw Levy walking in his direction, he would quickly walk in the other direction hoping Levy didn't see him. Which she probably did knowing Gajeel towered over many people.

Levy began noticing this through out the day. She started feeling sad after the third time she saw him do this. 'Did I do something wrong to him?'' She questioned herself.

Levy saw him by his locker, she hid behind people so he wouldn't notice her coming. She crept up behind him and stood there silently. "Gajeel..." She said his name with a saddened tone.

He slowly turned around. "...Yes?"

"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong to you?" She looked down at the ground. "You've been avoiding me all day..."

"No... I just can't be around you..." With that, Gajeel turned and tried to walk away. As much as it hurt him to walk away from her, he had to. Right when he started walking away, Levy grabbed the back of his shirt, and he stopped walking.

"I'm sorry... For whatever I did..." Levy said quietly. Her head was hanging so Gajeel couldn't see her face. His heart was crushed when he saw a tear droplet hit the floor. She quickly walked away from him so he couldn't see her cry.

He tried following her, but she ran in to the girl's restroom. Gajeel face palmed and grunted. 'Nice going, jerk.' Gajeel thought to himself.

Levy stood in front of a sink as she washed the tears from her face. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes bloodshot from crying. "Gajeel... Why do you do this to me?" She questioned. Luckily there was no one else in the restroom to witness her crying.

"I like you... But you obviously don't like me back..." She dried her face with a paper towel then left the restroom. She headed to class and didn't see Gajeel for the rest of the day...

Cliffhanger! Bum bum bummmm. Sorry I took so long to update. I'm lazy and I had writers block. Forgive me?

So, how have you been? Good I hope. How many people out there actually like Valentines Day?? I'm on the fence about it, its a alright day.

Anyway enough of my rambling, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading it. You can Vote, Comment, Follow Me.

I Lovvvvee You So Much! Byyeee!


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