2. dates & tutors

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"Wake up loser" Luke said poking my face. I swatted his hand away. He laughed. I groaned "Vee, cmon you gotta get up" he said crossing his arms. "okay okay I'm up" I said getting up. I shooed him away and got dressed and went down stairs.

"Morning Violet" My mom said sitting down at the table with Luke. I rolled my eyes as Luke looked up at me and took a bite out of his toast.

"What? your mom makes good breakfast" He smiled. "Were gonna be late" I said grabbing a bagel and grabbing my bag. "let's go" I said walking out my front door later followed by Luke.


"Are you guys ready to get your scores back from the test last week?" Mr. Allen smiled holding a stack of papers. My classmates groaned around me, including Luke. He started handing them out one by one each students face dropping every time he sat down a paper.

Luke got his back and groaned. I looked over at his test with a 67 circled in the top corner. "I studied all the night what the hell!" He yelled. "Language Mr.hemmings" Mr. Allen snapped. He flipped him off when he turned around. I eventually got mine back and looked at the grade and quickly shoved it in my bag.

"What did you get?" Luke asked me. "Nothing don't worry about it" I said quickly. He quickly grabbed the paper out of my bag. "Luke stop!" I said reaching for my paper. His eyes widened at my grade. "How did you get a 97?" He gasped. I shrugged and took my paper back from him.

The bell rang and I walked past Michael who had his head down on his desk. Luke and I started to walk out of the class . "He got a 45" Luke whispered to me. "What?" I asked. "Michael, poor kid sucks at chemistry" Luke laughed.

"Mrs. Andrews" Mr. Allens voice rang right before I was about to walk out the door. "Could you come here a minute" He asked motioning for me to go to him. I looked at Luke. "Good luck with that" Luke mumbled before walking out the door.

"Luke no! don't leave me here!" I whisper-yelled, but he had already gone.

I rolled my eyes slowly walked over to his desk just as Michael swung his bag over his shoulder and headed for the door. "Not so fast Mr. Clifford" He said making him halt and sigh. He walked over to his desk mumbling something under his breath and stood next to me.

I felt heat rise up my neck from him brushing his hand with mine by accident.


"yeah yeah I got it I know I did bad on the test-now can I leave?" He said annoyed looking towards the door.

"Mr.Clifford if you don't get your grade up in my class you will not pass" He said warningly. Michael look unamused as if he's heard it before. "Thats why, Mrs.Andrews is here" Mr. Allen smiled putting his hand on my shoulder.

Michael looked down at me and I looked up at him, I quickly broke our eye contact and looked at the ground. "You will Tutor him" Mr. Allen said turning to me. "What?" I said shocked looking up. "I do not need a Tutor" Michael huffed looking at me.

"I'm afraid you do, Mrs. Andrews here is my best student and would be happy to tutor you" Mr. Allen said smiling at me.

"What I never-"

Then Mr.Allen glared at me to shut me up. "I will trust you two to make up a schedule and get Michael's grade up on his next test, you two are dismissed" He said sitting back down at him desk.

We both walked out of the class Luke was waiting for me out side the classroom. "Listen, I do not need a Tutor I can get my grade up perfectly fine myself, I don't need your help" Michael snapped at me before walking away.

I stood there with a blank expression before my face turned angry. "Hey Clifford" I said getting his attention as he turned back around. I walked up to him. "I would appreciate if you had the decency to talked to me like a human being" I said angrily.


"You heard me you don't talk to a person like that, you could have Kindly told me that you could mange getting your grade up on your own, instead of being a complete asshole" I said looking at him. He blinked his eyes. "I-i'm sorry" He said felling bad.

"Thank you" I smiled before turning on my heels and walking back over to Luke. Luke's jaw was dropped. "Damn" He laughed as we walked down the hall to my next class.


I was now at work and today was a slow day. I was sitting behind the counter on my phone and Calum was standing beside me. I looked up at him and he looked nervous and played with his bracelets.


"W-what huh?" He said snapping out of his daze. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Um" He scratched the back of his neck. "I need to talk to you-well I need to ask-well I -"

"Cal" I laughed.

"Sorry" He laughed pulling up a chair next to me and sat down . "Whats up?" I asked placing down my phone & turning towards him. "Um, so you know how that new mini golf thing opened near the mall?" He asked looking at the ground glancing at me occasionally.


"I was wondering if maybe you would want to go, with me. l-like a date" He said now looking at me. I stared at him to see if he was serious, I've never been asked on a date before, I guess I hesitated too long because he said "Or not thats fine too, it was a dumb idea" getting up from his seat.

"Wait no calum" I said standing up. He turned around and I bit my lip. "I would love to on a date with you" I smiled. His face lit up "Really?" he asked smiling.

I nodded.

"Could I get your number, so I can text you the details?" he asked shyly. I smiled at his shyness and gave him my number. My shift ended shortly after that and I went home to change my clothes.

I had to tell Luke.

I looked out my window into his, he was sitting on the floor playing the guitar and what looks to be singing. I opened my window and got a pen from my room and threw it at his window making him jump at the sound.

I laughed at he looked around to locate the noise before seeing me and getting up and walking toward the window to open it.

"Is stalking me your hobby now?" He laughed. "You wish hemmings" I rolled my eyes. "Come over I need to talk to you" I said. "And you couldn't have sent me a text?" He asked. "No, that was funnier to watch" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes before shutting the window. A few minutes later Luke walked through my bedroom door. "Whats up?" He said flopping on my bed. I smiled at him. "What?" He laughed. "I got a date!" I squealed.

He raised his eyebrows. "Don't get to excited" I frowned. "With who?" he asked "Michael?" he asked. "I wish but no, he still has a girlfriend remember?" I said. "With calum" I smiled. "your coworker?" He asked.

I nodded. "Oh" He said. "What? Are you not excited for my first date ever?" I asked with sad eyes. "No I am" He said still not looking too happy. "You don't seem too excited" I frowned crossing my arms. "No I am happy for you Vee" He said half smiling. "What happened to Michael?" He asked.

"Of course I still like him, a hell of a lot more than I should, but calum's cute too" I said smiling.

word count: 1346

Heyoo so violet and cal? do you ship? It felt like it took forever to get this chapter up ugh why am I tired all the time?

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