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Wei Luo hadn't expected that Elder Princess Ping Yang would praise her. Her faint smile in response was bashful.

There were many people gathered in Wei Luo's small room and they almost seemed to not be able to fit, so Old Madam led the good luck woman, First Madam and Second Madam to the main room to wait for Prince Jing's people that would be here to escort the bride later. Fourth Madam and Wei Ya were left behind to accompany Wei Luo.

Bai Lan held a pair of red satin shoes embroidered with good luck symbols for many descendants and brought it to Wei Luo's feet. She took off the shoes that Wei Luo was wearing and replaced it with the new shoes, "Miss, let me put on the new shoes. The marriage sedan will be here soon."

Seeing this pair of rare shoes, Wei Ya said, "I heard that Ah Luo's wedding dress and shoes were made by Xiu Chun. Xiu Chun only accepts five orders of custom-tailored clothing per year. I had my personal servant girl go over there to make a reservation on New Year, but she wasn't able to make it in time. How were you able to get a reservation?"

Of course, it wouldn’t be good for Wei Luo to say that Zhao Jie had arranged this. Her dark eyes turned and she only silently pursed her lips.

Fourth Madam Qin-shi explained for her, "It's because His Highness Prince Jing is too thoughtful. He prepared everything for Ah Luo and didn't even want her to worry about her wedding dress."

Hearing these words, Wei Ya's face showed envy.

As they talked, they heard a servant girl come inside and say, "Madam, Miss, Sixth Young Master has come."

When Wei Chang Hong walked through the door, his gaze fell on Wei Luo, who was sitting on the red sandalwood couch that was decoratively carved with clouds. The gorgeous red robe that he was wearing today was much more official than his usual attire. A long time later, he finally said, "Father asked me to check if there was anything you haven't prepared yet."

Wei Luo and Wei Chang Hong hadn't seen each other three days. During this time, Wei Luo had been staying in the inner court while Chang Hong was in the outer court helping Wei Kun with managing issues. At night, he would rest in the outer court instead of returning to the inner court. Seeing him now, Wei Luo curved her almond eyes and smiled at him, "Everything is ready. Don't worry."

Wei Chang Hong nodded, but he didn't leave. His gaze was focused on Wei Luo. Not caring that Fourth Madam and Wei Ya were in the room, he said, "Ah Luo, tell me if Zhao Jie bullies you in the future. I'll always help you no matter what.

Wei Luo didn't have the time to hold back her trembling lips. His words had touched her soft spot and her eyes became teary. Wei Luo didn't stop herself from crying. It was normal to cry at a wedding. Her tears fell down as she stretched out her hand to grab Chang Hong's sleeve. She looked up and said, "Chang Hong, I can't bear to part with you."

Wei Chang Hong didn’t want to separate from her either. But, she had to marry one day. He couldn't stop her from marrying because of his personal desire. Chang Hong stroked her head and said, "Don't cry. It'll be bad if you ruin your makeup from crying."

The more he talked, the more Wei Luo wanted to cry. Her fan-like eyelashes fluttered. Her eyes became wetter with each blink.

Chang Hong took the silk handkerchief that Fourth Madam handed to him. He leaned over and carefully and gently wiped the tears from Wei Luo's face. "Ah Luo, I don't want to part with you either. Could you not get married then?”

Shocked, Fourth Madam Qin-shi asked, "Chang Hong, what are you saying?"

Wei Luo seriously considered his words. Things had already reached this point. She couldn't stop the wedding right now. Beside, she wanted to be Zhao Jie's wife. And so, she shook her head.

Chongfei Manual pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now