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Zhao Liuli felt as if her body was going to be snapped in half by him. How did his hands become so strong after going to Guang Dong? The young princess blinked. Still feeling angry, she asked, “Why can’t I? Someone even recently gave you two captured slaves. I saw them. They look very beautiful. You already have other women. Why do I have to continue obediently stay with you?”

Yang Zhen awkwardly explained, “I didn’t accept them.”

Zhao Liuli leaned against his chest and heard the sound of his beating heart. It didn’t seem to match his calm expression at all. “Did you have other women in Guang Dong?”

Yang Zhen seemed to want to absorb her into his body, “I didn’t.”

Zhao Liuli raised her head to look at him, but she could only see his firm chin and his blade-sharp silhouette. She couldn’t see his eyes. “Then, did you think about me?”

Yang Zhen hugged her without speaking. The longing that he felt for her couldn’t be clearly expressed by words.

Of course, he missed her. He was only able to pass every life-threatening moment because he was thinking of her.

But, Zhao Liuli wouldn’t wait to hear his answer. She angrily pushed him away and prepared to jump down from the horse. “Never mind then. I want to go back. Let go of me.”

How could Yang Zhen be willing to let her go? He held her by the waist to prevent her from jumping down from the horse. He said, “I thought about you.”

Zhao Liuli was unwilling to easily forgive him. “How much did you think about me?”

Yang Zhen silently looked at her with his pitch-black eyes as if there was something brewing inside of him. Before Zhao Liuli could react, he held her small face and swooped down to kiss her. Their lips seemed glued together. Right now, Yang Zhen didn’t care about adhering to the etiquette between a princess and her subject. After touching Zhao Liuli’s lips, he impatiently rushed in. He hadn’t tasted her for so long and he couldn’t stop once he started. Yang Zhen was remarkably like a wild wolf that had been hungry for a long time. Once he seized this small, white rabbit, he devoured it with all his energy. The sound of their kisses was so loud that Zhao Liuli blushed as she heard the sound.

A long time later, Zhao Liuli’s mouth and tongue had already become numb. Their transparent saliva slid down her lower jaws. Yang Zhen continued to linger over her lips, then he lowered his head and licked her chin clean of saliva.

Yang Zhen’s burning hot palm held her waist as he whispered into her ear, “I thought about you this much.”

Zhao Liuli’s face was thoroughly red. She bit her bottom lip, but it only tasted of him.

The young princess’s gaze moved about. Her hopeful eyes were dazzling. She was much more obedient after being fiercely kissed and didn’t mention that she wanted to return to the palace.

Yang Zhen required a great deal of self-control to restrain his emotions and stop his hands from violating her. He said, “Liuli, don’t marry someone else.”

Zhao Liuli wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his sturdy chest. “You were the one that wrote those words in the letter.”

Yang Zhen paused. Then, he said, “I wrote the letter when I was injured and my life was in peril.” Actually, he regretted writing the letter as soon he finished writing it.

Zhao Liuli finally remembered the other parts of the letter now. She hurriedly raised her head, “What about now? Is your injury okay now?”

Yang Zhen nodded. He lifted her hand and placed it on the left side of his chest. “It’s mostly recovered. It’s okay now.”

Chongfei Manual pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now