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Wei Luo talked with Empress Chen for a while longer. After seeing that it wasn’t early anymore by the color of the sky, she stood up and bid farewell.

Just as she reached the doorway, Empress Chen called out, “Ah Luo.”

Wei Luo politely turned around and asked, “Imperial mother?”

Empress Chen warmly looked at her and sincerely and earnestly said, “You and Chang Sheng have been married for a while. Have you thought about having children yet?”

At first, Wei Luo froze in surprise. Soon after, her cheeks turned red and she nodded.

Empress Chen laughed and said, “Chang Sheng isn’t young anymore. People of the same age as him already have children that are old enough to run around. This empress is just feeling anxious for him and doesn’t have any intention of pressuring you.” She walked to Wei Luo’s side, held up Wei Luo’s hands, and patted them. “Having a child is always good for a woman. Besides, this empress would also like to have grandchildren to hold.”

As Wei Luo walked out of Bao He Hall, she felt as if she had been defeated and was running away.

She and Zhao Jie had never avoided the topic of children. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to have children. Moreover, they went to bed together every night. This matter couldn’t be rushed… Empress Chen had spoke so frankly. She really didn’t know how to answer her.


On the same day that Wei Luo entered the palace, Zhao Liuli got sick in the evening.

The sickness arrived quickly. Zhao Liuli had perfectly fine before she fainted and fell to the ground. Empress Chen’s heart was burning with worry and anxiety. She stayed by Zhao Liuli’s side without resting or sleeping.

Fortunately, Liuli woke up the next morning. While crying, the first words she spoke was, “Imperial mother, I want to see older brother Yang Zhen.”

How could Empress Chen’s heart not ache? On the very same day, she went to the imperial study to look for Emperor Chong Zhen and asked him to agree to Zhao Liuli and Yang Zhen’s marriage.

Emperor Chong Zhen had originally still been opposed to this, but his arrogance disappeared when he was faced with Empress Chen and he began to sway to her side.

He had been in the process of looking for a way to end their stalemate. If he agreed to Empress Chen’s request, perhaps her expression wouldn’t be so bad when she saw him. Moreover, Zhao Liuli was his daughter and he naturally wanted her to have a happy life. Hearing that Zhao Liuli had gotten sick during the past day, he also couldn’t bear to see her like this.

Later on, Yang Zhen entered the palace and pleaded to see Emperor Chong Zhen and the two of them talked for an entire afternoon in the imperial study. Their conversation was mystery, but the emperor changed his mind early next morning. He agreed to bestow Princess Tianji to Yang Zhen as his wife. An auspicious date was selected for their wedding. In addition, he also rewarded Yang Zhen with a residence, a hundred fertile fields, and countless gold, silver, and precious stones.


Wei Luo let out a sigh in a relief after she heard that Zhao Liuli and Yang Zhen’s matter was resolved.

She would frequently think about Empress Chen’s words when she had too much free time.

It was strange. She had been married to Zhao Jie for almost half a year, but her period still came regularly. She had heard that two months after Liang Yu Rong married Wei Chang Yin, a doctor had diagnosed that she was pregnant by checking her pulse.

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