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Wei Luo turned around and saw Zhao Jie wearing a dark reddish purple robe with a Taotie pattern. He was standing only a few steps away.

Wei Luo threw herself into Zhao Jie’s arms, wrapped her arms around his waist, raised her head, and said, “Yang Zhen isn’t as good-looking as big brother. It’s enough just to look at big brother.”

Zhao Jie clearly knew that she was deliberately saying these words to curry his favor, but he still felt delighted. He pinched her small cheeks and said, “Little rascal, what were you two talking about? You’ve been very diligent about coming to Zheng Rong Courtyard every day.”

Wei Luo didn’t answer and only wrinkled her nose. She leaned against Zhao Jie’s chest like a puppy and sniffed his body’s scent.

Zhao Jie said, “What’s wrong?”

Wei Luo deliberately said in an exaggerated way, “Such a strong vinegar scent.”

(T/N: In Chinese, eating vinegar means you’re being jealous of your lover.)

Zhao Jie picked her up and repeatedly patted her butt. “Little fellow, you’re asking for a beating.”

Wei Luo had already experienced his slaps. After he had only spanked her once last time, it hurt so much that she didn’t dare to sit on a stool for an entire evening. She obediently wrapped her arms around Zhao Jie’s neck and rubbed her face between his shoulder and neck. She meekly said, “ I’m only taking care of Yang Zhen because Liuli asked me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t pay attention to him.”

After she said these words, Zhao Jie’s expression improved.

She hurriedly kissed him to strike while the iron was hot. “I only care about you.”

Zhao Jie pinched her chin and wouldn’t let her move away. He sucked on her lips to taste them for a long time.

Wei Luo was heavily breathing when he let her go and her face was flushed red. “Where did you go before you came here?”

Zhao Jie said, “The palace.”

At the mention of this, Wei Luo remembered a serious matter and solemnly asked, “Did you see His Majesty? What did he say?”

Zhao Jie didn’t go to the palace for Zhao Liuli. He had gone to discuss the drought in Qing Zhou. Qing Zhou had been suffering from a drought for over half a year and the bad harvest this year had led to the absolute suffering of the common people. Emperor Chong Zhen had given this matter to Zhao Jie to handle. Zhao Jie had gone to the palace today to deliberate over decreasing Qing Zhou’s taxation. Afterwards, Zhao Jie had mentioned Zhao Liuli’s matter. Right after he spoke, Emperor Chong Zhen angry expression showed that he didn’t want to talk about this matter. And so, Zhao Jie didn’t continue this topic and left the palace.

Zhao Jie said, “Let’s wait a few days and talk about this after imperial father calms down.”

Wei Luo was expecting this answer. She helplessly sighed. “I’ll be going to the palace to pay respects to imperial mother tomorrow. While I’m there, I’ll ask imperial mother for her opinion.” She suddenly thought of something and her almond-shaped eyes narrowed as a light flashed through her eyes. “Seventh princess has so much free time. She even had time to interfere with this matter.”

If it weren’t for Zhao Lin Lang, there wouldn’t be any difficulties.


On the next day, Wei Luo went to the palace after tidying up and changing her outfit.

Wei Luo knew that Empress Chen liked to eat these common people snacks, so she specially brought several types of sweets from a new confection shop on West Street on her way to palace. Included in these sweets, there were two of Empress Chen’s favorites, candied winter melon and hawthorn cake.

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