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Wei Luo and Zhao Liuli continued talking. She eventually asked Liuli about her wedding with Yang Zhen. Zhao Liuli looked embarrassed, but there was a smile in her eyes. “Imperial mother doesn’t want to be separated from me. She wants me to stay with her for a bit longer. So, my wedding will be May of next year.”

Zhao Liuli would be eighteen years old next year. This age was slightly old to be getting married. However, she was a princess with a noble status, so it could be considered reasonable. It was only that Yang Zhen was quite pitiful. He had to wait another year before he could marry his fiancée.

A short while later, Empress Chen finished practicing equestrian archery and returned. She took a handkerchief that was embroidered with dogwood flowers from a place servant. As she wiped her sweat, she asked the two of them, “What are you two girls talking about? This empress sees that Liuli’s face has turned red.”

Zhao Liuli wouldn’t allow Wei Luo to tell, so Wei Luo only faintly smiled and stayed silent.

It wasn’t suitable for Zhao Liuli to stay outside for too long. Not much later, she was sent back to Chen Hua Hall by a mama.

After Zhao Liuli left, Empress Chen picked up Liuli’s small, white and blue porcelain bowl and drank a few sips of sour plum soup. She looked at Wei Luo and said, “This empress already knows about Chang Sheng and your matter.”

Wei Luo subconsciously straightened her back. Sitting upright and still, she said, “Imperial mother, I also have words that I want to say with you about this matter.”

Empress Chen could guess what she wanted to say and interrupted her. She indicated that she didn’t need to worry by saying, “Since you need to improve your health, this empress will have people deliver nourishing medicinal herbs. The medicinal herbs available outside of the palace aren’t as comprehensive as inside the palace. If you’re lacking in anything, tell this empress. There’s no need to be polite with this empress.”

Seeing that Wei Luo was startled and seemed confused, she lightly laughed and said, “Previously, this empress was too insistent and put you in a difficult position. Now, that this empress knows it’s because your health isn’t good and the matter can’t be rushed. It’s more important to focus on improving your health first.”

Wei Luo opened and closed her mouth before she finally said, “Imperial mother, aren’t you anxious about having a grandson?”

Empress Chen honestly said, “Of course. But is there any use in this empress feeling anxious? There’s nothing that can be done. This empress can’t force Chang Sheng to accept concubines.” The empress was an open-minded person that wouldn’t stubbornly insist something like that.

“Besides, if this really happened, not only would Chang Sheng object to this empress’s action, so would you. This empress has no desire to do such an arduous and thankless task.”

Wei Luo hadn’t expected that Empress Chen would be so open-minded. On the contrary, her initial worries had been unnecessary. She was very moved by Empress Chen’s words. She went forward and knelt down to sit next to Empress Chen. She looked like a sweet, obedient child. This was the first time she acted so intimate. “Imperial mother, you treat me so well. Older brother Prince Jing and me will definitely be very filial towards you in the future.”

Empress Chen very naturally hugged her and stroked her hair like a mother doting on her daughter. She said with a smile, “Hmm, if this empress didn’t say these words, were you deciding to not be filial towards this empress in the future?”

Wei Luo shook her head and honestly said, “I’ll still be filial, but I probably won’t be whole-heartedly filial.”

Empress Chen laughed without restraint. She like forthright girls like Wei Luo the most. She had long become annoyed with seeing the sham gestures of politeness in the imperial harem.

Chongfei Manual pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now