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By coincidence, a few officers and soldiers from Shen Ji Barracks were also here eating. They heard that Prince Jing and Princess Consort Jing were here and came over to propose a toast.

Zhu Geng came inside the room to ask Zhao Jie for instruction.

Zhao Jie said, “Let them in.”

And so, several people boisterously came into the room.

Wei Luo had seen three of these people at Shen Ji Barrack’s entrance. The tallest person and the one in the middle of the group was called Yu Zhi. The group of people went forward and saluted Zhao Jie and Wei Luo. They didn’t dare to bother the prince when he was having dinner with his wife. They had only planned to come here to propose a toast and leave right afterwards.

Wei Luo took a sip of Taiping green tea. Hearing their words, she pulled Zhao Jie’s sleeve and very seriously said, “You can’t drink wine.”

(T/N: Taiping was a prefecture that existed during the Ming and Qing Dynasty.)

The soldiers showed a baffled expression. It was only a few cups of wine. It shouldn’t be a big deal…

Based on their knowledge of Prince Jing’s temperament, he would mostly likely harden his face and fiercely reprimand the young princess consort. This young princess consort looked extremely delicate, but she seemed very brave. She actually dared to discipline the prince.

One of the soldiers tried to smooth things over by saying to the princess consort, “Your Highness, don’t worry. It’s only a few cups of wine. His Highness can drink many cups of wine without any difficulties.”

Wei Luo was very persistent. She shook her head and said, “No.”

Although she didn’t like Yu Mama, she agreed with Yu Mama’s words. If they wanted a child, they couldn’t drink wine. If they did, then the past several days of cultivating their bodies would be completely wasted.

Zhao Jie put down the wine cup and held Wei Luo’s hand. He said with a smile, “Did you hear the princess consort’s words? You can all withdraw.”

The soldiers felt that his behavior was rather inconceivable.

Yu Zhi had seen Zhao Jie’s protective attitude towards his young princess consort. Last time, he had only accidentally scared Wei Luo and he was still leading the soldiers in running outside the city wall for training. Yu Zhi led the group of people out of the room. Before he left, he even said, “Prince, please enjoy your meal.”


After Zhao Jie drove Yu Mama back to the palace, Empress Chen summoned Wei Luo to the palace the next day.

Empress Chen was sitting at a rosewood table with a marble surface. She glanced at Wei Luo and said, “This empress has already heard of everything. Chang Sheng, that child, always had an excessively tyrannical temperament that can’t be disciplined. It’s normal for something like this to happen.” She sighed and rather helplessly shook her head. “Never mind, let nature take its course. This matter can’t be rushed. This empress won’t interfere with this matter anymore.”

Wei Luo said, “Imperial mother was only being considerate. It’s our fault for failing to live up to imperial mother’s kindly intentions.”

Empress Chen half-jokingly said, “If you truly feel that you let imperial mother down, give me a grandson to hold sooner than later.”

Sitting next to Empress Chen, Zhao Liuli clung to Empress Chen’s arm and said, “Imperial mother, how long have imperial sister-in-law and imperial brother been married? You’re acting so anxious, but having a child isn’t like making mud people that can be finished in a brief moment. It depends on the will of the gods.”

Chongfei Manual pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now