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As the time for the birthing approached, Wei Luo’s mood became increasingly tense and nervous.

Zhao Jie had found the capital’s four most dependable and well-known midwifes for her. He had them stayed in Prince Jing’s residence for the time being. As soon as there was the slightest change in Wei Luo’s situation, it would be convenient to summon them to Wei Luo’s side.

Even so, Wei Luo still felt uneasy and anxious all day long. She hadn’t even started to give birth yet, but she had already made herself miserably worried.

Today, Wei Luo came to the study to bring Zhao Jie tea and snacks. Her wrist accidently knocked into the curved part of the red sandalwood table and her jade bracelet cracked into two pieces before falling to the ground. Wei Luo stared at the broken bracelet on the ground for a long time without moving.

Zhao Jie pulled her to his side, ordered Zhu Geng to throw out the broken bracelet, and looked at her as he said, “Look at you, you seem so scared. Why are you so ill-at-ease?” He pinched Wei Luo’s earlobe. He was comforting her as well as comforting himself, “Didn’t we already talk about this? This prince is here and won’t let anything happen to you.”

Wei Luo looked at Zhao Jie and nodded. She climbed onto Zhao Jie’s lap, wrapped her arms around his neck, and said, “I’m scared… I don’t know why. Maybe, it’s because this is my first time giving birth and I don’t have any experience, so my heart keeps feeling uneasy. No matter what I do, my thoughts keep wandering.”

Zhao Jie smiled as he scratched her nose, “There’s nothing to be afraid of. You’re only scaring yourself.”

Wei Luo touched her nose and thought, perhaps.

However, she hadn’t sat on Zhao Jie’s lap for long before Yang Hao hurriedly rushed into the study. He didn’t even take a moment to follow etiquette before saying, “Your Highness, bad news. Bao He Hall caught on fire! Her Majesty was inside the hall chanting sutras!”

Zhao Jie’s expression changed. Fear also gripped Wei Luo’s heart.

Zhao Jie immediately stood up and coldly asked, “What happened? Where is imperial mother now?”

Yang Hao said, “This subordinate doesn’t know the exact details and only knows that Her Majesty hasn’t been rescued yet and is still trapped inside Bao He Hall.”

Zhao Jie’s expression was very ugly. He strode towards the door, “Prepared a horse!”

Wei Luo hurriedly followed after him. She grabbed Zhao Jie’s sleeve and said, “I want to go too.”

No matter how much you tried to avoid fate, the will of the heavens couldn’t be changed. Wei Luo had thought that since Zhao Jie had assigned people to watch over Bao He Hall’s surrounding area, Empress Chen’s death by fire would be avoided in this lifetime. Against her expectations, this event still happened. Wei Luo had felt there was something was wrong after hearing Empress Chen’s words at Qing Xi Palace’s entrance. Empress Chen’s voice sounded as if she no longer cared about anything. This was why she had asked Zhao Jie again to confirm and stopped worrying once he said everything had been arranged. But now… Why did this still happen?

Zhao Jie stroked her face, “Ah Luo, it’s not suitable for you to go there in your current condition. Stay here and wait for me to bring back news. Be good, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you too.”

Wei Luo insistently said, “I know that I can’t help with anything. But, imperial mother is in danger. I can’t just sit here and do nothing. Big brother, please bring me with you.”

Zhao Jie lowered his eyes and stared at her. A moment later, he ordered Yang Hao, “Prepare a carriage!”

The carriage hurriedly drove towards the palace. Before Wei Luo and Zhao Jie reached Bao He Hall, they already saw a raging fire in front of them. The intensity of the fire was like a torrential wave. Almost half of the sky was red because of the fire.

Chongfei Manual pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now