Ch.2: Crimson Co.

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"Maddie I can't." I say into my phone while opening the front door to my house with my Jurassic Park key.
"Aw come on why not?!" Maddie complains on the other end of the call.
"I have to work tonight." I reply hoping that will get her to leave me alone about this stupid party.
"I already called in sick for you!" Maddie exclaims in another attempt to get me to come with her.
"Madds! I could have used that for a time when I'm actually sick." I groan, knowing that I just really need the money right now.
"Well I need emotional support at this party! My dad is meeting with some company and they're having this huge fancy dance. I need my best friend there!" Maddie shouts through the phone at me.
"Even if I did go, what would I wear?" I ask while going into my room and plopping down on my bed.
"You can wear one of my brothers old tuxes! Pleaaaaase!!" Maddie whines and I finally give up.
"Your lucky you have the best friend ever." I sigh through the phone and she squeals.
"I'll pick you up at 8, you can change when I come to pick you up but make sure your hair looks nice. Cya hon!" She exclaims leaving me no time to protest and hangs up.
"Great, just great." I complain opening my laptop up and turning on Netflix.

"Okay so what company is it that your dads making a deal with?" I ask Maddie as the limo turns left on 5th Avenue.
"Crimson Co. You know, the ones that make the cool trucks and motorcycles?" Maddie asks as if I wouldn't know the name of the best truck and motorcycle company on the face of the planet.
"You mean the company of the truck I window shop every time you drag me to the mall, the ones I've been drooling over since I was 9?" I ask trying to make her realize how ridiculous of question she had asked me before I replied.
"Yeah yeah I know. But hey, the owner has a daughter. If you get cozy with her I bet you'll get a discount." Maddie offers but I shake my head.
"You know I'm not good at that kinda thing." I internally sigh and the limo stops.
The door of the limo opens and Maddie hops out, I follow her shortly after. "Thanks Thomas!" Maddie shouts behind us as we approach the door to a mansion. Immediately as we step on the stairs leading up to the mansion someone opens the door and music pours out. We quickly enter and turn a corner to see a large ballroom full of people.
"Jesus Christ." I mumble and Maddie softly laughs. Suddenly Maddie gasps and tries to hide behind me. "What's wrong Madds?" I question, genuinely curious.
"What the hell is Ryder Gray doing here?!" She whisper shouts and her face starts to heat up as I laugh.
    "Awww someone's crush is here." I tease and she glares at me.
   "Shut your trap Alec!" She exclaims.
        "How unladylike of you Maddison!" I continue to tease her and she sighs. "Calm down. You look beautiful, so what are you worrying about?" I attempt to comfort her.
     "Okay," She takes a deep breath and then continues "I think im alright now. I am curious why he's here though"
      "I dunno." I reply and we watch Ryder cross the room and hand a drink to the last person I ever thought I would see here.
     "Bexley Storm?!" Maddie and I whisper in unison, completely dumbfounded.

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