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John's POV

        I was running. Running from the creature that was after me. I didn't know what it was, just that it was angry and it didn't like me. Not a good combination. I was approaching a cliff. I didn't know what I'd do when I reached it. I kept running. My foot tread on empty air for a moment. Then I was falling, falling... 

        And I woke up. I'd had this dream before. In fact, I'd dreamt it multiple times before, more and more often now. I wondered if it meant something. then I remembered: I was going to go to a restaurant for lunch with Annabeth today! I checked my watch. 5:42. No need to worry, plenty of time, as always. Along with the increasing frequency of the dream, I had also been waking up earlier and earlier. Again, I wondered if it meant something, but again, I dismissed it as a figment of my overactive imagination. 

        I was walking with Annabeth. We had just left the restaurant where we had eaten. We were both full and we planned to just stroll around downtown for a bit. Everything was great, just like the old days before the rebellion. Then we ran into Cindy. She's very nice and everything, but I sometimes get the feeling that she doesn't like Annabeth. It's like this wave of animosity that passes between them. Girls! What can you do? I'll never understand them! So, we met Cindy on the street. If looks could kill, Annabeth would be dead. They hadn't liked each other before, but now that they were both running for the green party in the upcoming election, even I understood why they didn't get along.

"So, Cindy, I see you're stalking us."

"Oh, I wouldn't quite call it that. Just trying to think of a way to murder you, Annabeth."

I decided to step in. "Ok, enough of that for now. Let's just all get along and be on our way?"

"Just shup up!" They both said in unison. Then they looked at each other. A look passed between them, but I didn't know what it meant. I always feel out of it around girls, but even more so around these girls.

        Annabeth couln't resist having the final word. "I don't know who in their right mind would vote for you if they knew anything about your past. Lucky for you, no one does, no one but me, and if you even think about playing dirty in this election, I will make sure every single citizen of this realm knows all of your dirty little secrets." Then, she grabbed my hand and walked away. Dramatic much?


So, what do you think of the second chapter? Still a bit short, but they'll probably get longer. I don't know how often I'll be able to upload from now on because school starts tomorrow. This was an important chapter for portraying relationships between characters. Writing a book is a lot harder that I'd thought it would be! 


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