chapter 10

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A light shake of my arm snaps me from my daydream.

I turn my head to see Minho smiling at me.
"We're here."
His voice was deep and soothing, different to his normal tone. Chills fall down my spine as the sudden spark of attraction flickers between us, looking into each other's eyes.

The sound of a knock on the car window breaks our stare. I look to the side to see Chaeyoung waving at us from outside Minho's car and i instantly smile before opening the car door as she moves back, Minho doing the same on his side.

"Guess what we have first~"
She links her arm with mine, leaning onto me as her eyes glow with joy.
I reply back as my voice trails and she giggles at me, standing up straight.

Suddenly Minho links my other arm, startling both me and Chaeyoung.
"Yeah it's gonna be so fun."
He says in a girly tone causing me and Chaeyoung to exchange looks.

"Hands off, she's mine."
Chaeyoung bursts out and slaps Minho's arm off of mine.
"Hands off, she's mine."
He replies but this time pulling me to him and he squints his eyes playfully but seriously at Chaeyoung and she does the same back.
I say as i pull away from Minho, beginning to walk towards the school, leaving them speechless as i walk away which just causes me to faintly smile as i look down at my shoes.


"Hey guys!"
A familiar voice calls us from the corner of the room as we walk into the dance studio.
I smile as she walks towards me but with another girl beside her.

Lea wraps her arms around me and Chaeyoung, us doing the same as we share a short hug.

"I'll catch you later."
Minho brushes my arm and we make eye contact, smiling at me as he walks over to a group of friends.
"Looks like you've been getting close to the new boy?"
Lea smirks at me and i just roll my eyes at her.

"Are you going to introduce us?"
Chaeyoung exclaims as she glances at the unfamiliar face next to Lea.
"Oh yes! This is my friend Jae-eun."
She smiles at us, a dimple in her left cheek catches my attention straight away, my eyes soften as i return a smile back.

I get cut off by our dance teacher walking into the studio, almost bouncing off her heels as she plugs her phone into the speaker.

"Today everyone-..."
She begins but then looks at me and Chaeyoung.
"Girls why aren't you changed yet? Quickly!"
We look at each other and peer down at our clothes before running out the door to the lockers to change outfit.

Once we finish we run back to the studio and open the door quietly as a group is already doing a dance.

Claps fill the room as they finish and the teacher praises them before looking at her phone.

"Today i wanna see a couple dance.."
She pauses as she looks at the register with our names on.
"Lee Minho.."
His name knocks in my chest. Him dancing with someone else, all close and steamy? For some reason i couldn't bare to see him do a couple dance with another girl.

I rest back onto the wall, sighing as i wait for her to call another name that isn't mine.
"And Y/n."
Cheers escape other's mouths as i look up happily at Minho, walking over to him in-front of the mirror.

Screams roar through the room with every passionate and sensual move that we do. Claps and cheers rise as we finish, bowing to everyone before going back to join everyone else.

"Not gonna lie but that was hot as shit."
Lea's friend Jae-eun whispers to me and soon Chaeyoung and Lea join in.

I blush in return as they all begin teasing me quietly as another pair join up to dance.

As we finally calm down i glance over at Minho who's staring at me rather intimidatingly as the familiar group of boys, who are also my close friends, chat to and around him.

"Meet me outside in 5."
He mouths to me as he cocks his head to the door behind him. I blush hardly as i look down before glancing up at him again, my heart pounding out of my chest as he rests his head in his hand, watching me, eyes twinkling with his lips parted.

 I blush hardly as i look down before glancing up at him again, my heart pounding out of my chest as he rests his head in his hand, watching me, eyes twinkling with his lips parted

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