Trouble in the castle

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Peter's P.O.V.
The sound of swords being drawn and guns getting loaded made me want the fight to happen right now.

"Ready to lose the other one?" I smirk.

"Not. This time." He snarls, pushing me off his sword as I fly back. I laugh, coming at him again as I finally start the fight. Metal against metal rings in my ears and I couldn't be more excited. I flip over his sword as he backs me against the stone wall, coming at me. I quickly get out of the way though as he swung.

I fly behind him and try to cut him but his hook caught my sword. Uh oh, he's trapped. As I glance at Alice getting cornered by a pirate. She looked so scared. But I didn't know why since she did this all the time back at her old home. She quickly blocks the pirate's sword as he tried to make fun of her. Bad idea.

"Girly." That did it for Alice as she steps on his foot, injuring him as she fought him back.

"Who are you to call me girly?" Hook swings at me and I take my attention off of Alice seeing that she had this under control. I fly off the rock and kick off the wall right at Hook, knocking him to the ground. He regains his stance but didn't see me as I fly under him, making him fall back to the ground.

While he was distracted I saw the three siblings and Tiger Lily try to open the gate.

"Open the gate." Michael said as they try their best to open it but a pirate stops them, cutting right between the oldest boy and Tiger Lily. John screams but Michael kicked the pirate, John knocking him into the water. Tiger Lily and John look at each other and I look away as they kiss, Michael too.

That's when I saw Alice, getting her sword out of the rock as a pebble hit the pirate in the eye. The pirate brang his gun into the fight and shot the blade right off the sword, Alice acting frightened as she threw the sword at the pirate, hitting him in the head. My attention was turned back to the gate as John actually opened the gate!

Hook brang me back to the reason I was here and we started to fight again, hitting each other's blade to try to kill the other.

"If I were you, I'd give up!" He yelled as my bade crosses his.

"If you were me," I try to swing at him but he blocks me as I tilt my head to the side.

"I'd be ugly." Hook traps my sword and I knew this time I was in trouble as he trapped me against the ceiling, trying to fight as I fight harder. I see an opportunity to get out of there and I take it but Hook caught my leg, pressing his hook against my neck, the canon aimed at me.

"Ready?" He smirks as the pirate lit the canon.

"Fire!" He flew me into the canon's way and I spin right into the net, falling into the water. If Hook thought he was done with me he was wrong. I got out my knife and immediately started to cut the rope as I saw what happened on land. As Smee tried to row away, all the kids jump into the boat, making him fall in the water.

I quickly cut the ropes and swim out almost out of breath. I get onto the rocks and climb up, trying to catch my breath as something felt wrong. I look up to see the one they call Hook and he looked like he won, but I wasn't done with him. I get to my feet and try to attack him with my knife but the energy was drained out of me.

He threw me to the rock and I try my best to keep the hook from slitting my throat. I felt the stinging on my chest as his hook runs deep across me.

"And now Peter Pan, you shall die." He smirks and I get the strength to keep his hook away.

"To die, would be an awfully big adventure." I smile, not afraid to die. He raised his hook in the air and was about to kill me when a ticking echoed through the ruins, one we all knew, especially Hook.

"Oh no." He said and I look at the water, smirking at Hook who looked terrified. He turned to the gate and outside was the crocodile waiting for him.

"Shoot it!" Hook yelled but the pirates were all cowards as they fled into the water, screaming. I quickly got away from where I was and snuck onto the boat with the kids.

"About time you showed up." Alice joked.

"Not in the mood for a little fun?" I joke back.

"Not for a while." We start to row away as we look at the crocodile swimming into the water where the pirates try to swim to safety. Hook didn't know I was gone as He turned back to where I was to kill me. He found me and I couldn't get the smile off my face as we swim out of the gates.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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