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I wiped the salt tears, running down my cheeks, with my hands as I walked along my street. How did I get myself into this?
The vulgar image of Luke's leg floating around haunted me and I was reminded that it was partly my fault. Michael had been so irresponsible, cutting up the body was a mistake. He should have just burned it and gotten rid of the evidence so that I wouldn't have to be in this position. Even though I didn't kill him, I was still there when the cold knife cut through his flesh and I was also withholding information which would be enough to send me to jail.

A lump in my stomach grew  I spotted a police car parked in front of my home. I swallowed my fear and gripped the handle to open the door. My body felt numb but I stepped out of my muddy shoes, trying my best to act normal.

"..but for now we are done.", a male police officer finished saying to Michael.

This is it. They are coming to arrest us.
I stopped breathing and looked over at Michael, then the man, then Michael again and finally the man as he walked outside.

When the door closed I let air fill my lungs again and I walked over to Michael, grabbing his arm, "They found Luke.", I whispered.

Michael closed the wooden door behind me after we entered the attic. It was much more clean then I expected, his black t-shirts were neatly folded and the bed made. He lead me to the sofa and we sat down.

"They found Luke.", I repeated myself.

"I know. That cop just came to talk to me about it.", he said. "I think they're really suspecting me."

"Me too."
"I haven't changed my mind regarding..you know. But I do need to know what I should tell the cops if they want to talk me."

"That's probably a good idea. I said that I were here except for when Carol and I took a walk at the lake.", Michael told me and it stung at the mention of Ms. Wasas name. How could he kiss her?

"Okay. Then I'll just tell them that I was here to."

"And Luci. It wasn't what it looked like earlier.", Michael said.

"Well it sure looked like you were shoving your tongue down her throat."

"She kissed-"

"I don't wanna hear it.", I cut him of.

"I understand."

"Good.", I answered, expecting a fight.

Michael was always confusing, one moment he told me that I had no choice but to be in his plan and now he acted all understanding.

"What are you doing tomorrow?", he asked.

"I'm thinking about hanging out with Brenda.", I said and it was true. We had shared numbers and I thought about calling her. Maybe it was to early but I felt like spending time around someone who didn't wan't to end the world.


"She's that cop, you know?"

"What?! You can't be around her! Are you trying to get us caught?"
There it was again, Michaels usual outburst.

"No! You are the one going around killing people!", I said and he stod up, walked over to his bed and sat down. I followed and stood in front of him.

"Carol and I are going to the shelter, you must come.", he said.

"I'm not going there! Are you nuts?"


Now I was the one over exaggerating, "Yes you are!"

"I don't care if you want to or not but in the end you are coming with me."
"I told you that I wouldn't let you get hurt."

"Whatever.", I sat down next to Michael on the bed.

"There was blood outside your door the other day, why?", I asked.

Michael looked at my me from under his locks and smirked, "Do you really wan't to know?"

"Probably not but I don't want any new surprises."

"Aha.", he chuckled.
"It was from a sacrifice."

"A sacrifice? To who?"

"Guess.", he lies back on the bed.

"Satan?", I said and he nodded.

"It was an rabbit. I found it outside the house."

"Oh no."
I thought about the sweet animal, it didn't deserve to die like that.

"Don't be all sad now.", he mocked me.

"Shut up!"

"It was just some blood spill."
"You like blood, don't you?", reached over and grabbed a pocket knife from his nightstand and I thought about what he had done with the knife.

Michael moved the sharp edge towards his arm and made a cut, "Stop it!", I told him and looked at the red running out of his arm. He laughed while I took my hands to the wound. What?
The surface went smooth as it healed, just like that.

"See. Just some blood spill."

"You're fucking sick."

"I know.", Michael said as I left the room.

My phone felt heavy when I tried to decide whether I should have called or texted Brenda. I lied down in my comfortable bed with my legs  up in the air as I typed in the message,
*Hey. Would you like to meet tomorrow? Unless you're busy with work of course (:*

I tapped on the screen waiting for an answer.
My stomach growled and I smelled cheesy pasta coming from the kitchen.

A message popped up, *Always busy but I'll make time for you. Any ideas on what you want to do?"

*Movie?*, I suggested.

*Perfect, see u tomorrow*

A smile grew on my face when I walked up to my mother who was stewing pasta in the pot.
We sat down at the table and I ate the delicious food as my mother and I told each other about our days. It was nice. She actually listened for one.

The sweet taste of evilWhere stories live. Discover now