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Rose pov

I was just sitting in my room with everyone just talking and laughing. When I told them what had happen they were mad even my brothers friends because they consider me a little sister to them and vice versa .

"Hey let's play a game" I said excitedly and everyone looked at me "sure so who's it" Melanie ask. We all look at each other and say not it but Melanie was a little too late "ugh not again" she frowned " I'll go with you" I said smiling " really? I mean thank you but if you don't want to I - " I cut her off and said "girl it's no problem plus if I hide with one of these idiots I might hurt them....all ....again" "okay well let's get ready" we all went downstairs and before they took off I stopped them " hey, well I forgot to tell you one little thing" I said and they all looked at me nervously "what....?" they said scared cause they know I'm crazy "it's in the dark hahaha" I laughed and turned off the lights and said "enjoy" before me and Mel walked away laughing evilly

Deion pov

Wassup wassup wassup it's yo boy Deion! but anyway we all split up and some went in the closet second third fourth and fifth floor and me and Devon went in this little box thing that brings you toward another level ( if you watch Jessie Yhu know what I'm talking about cause it's in their kitchen) we heard someone coming so we held our breath and they were about to open it until we heard someone scream . Not just any scream but our baby sister scream telling us something happened or she's hurt. Everyone got out of their hiding places and went to find her and Mel "ROSE..... MEL..... were are you guys!" we heard another scream and we ran towards the room all the way down the hallway on the second floor and seen them on a table screaming holding each other " what's wrong?!" Joshua asked " its .... it was... big .....corner.... crawl..."mel stuttered scared "what?" we asked confused " SPIDER!!!! " they screamed and wen they said that Brandon jumped up their with them "ahhh spider it's a ... I mean really" he said getting down " y'all are ridiculous" Christian said laughing " whatever " the girls mumbled getting off the table.

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