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"Sorry I knocked you over, how about we all go hang out to make up for it, yeah?"

I must've hit my head really hard when I fell."Ummm, can you repeat that?" "Do you both wanna go hang out? I mean you don't have to I was ju-" "We would love to, right Kathleen?" Skylar answered

"YES OF COU- I mean yeah sure, whatever." Seriously Kathleen?! Sometimes I'm so stupid. "Hahah alright let's go" and there Ashton goes with that adorable giggle and again I'm dead. Like every other time I've heard it, which is only through my phone. So hearing it in person is giving me chest pains.

Skylar and him started talking and I just kinda awkwardly followed behind them. *cough cough* "oh sorry..." He said waiting for me to fill in the blank. "Kathleen." "Sorry Kathleen! Come here." He said pulling me into a side hug! OMG OMG OMFG!!! ASHTON IRWIN IS HUGGING ME!!! Que the fangirl inside me!

"Hah it's cool" I said nervously.

We started walking to who knows where, until we suddenly passed hot.topic. "Umm can we just go in there,um just real quick?" I pointed to my favorite store of all time. "Um sure?" Ashton said. As soon as I heard those words I rushed into hot topic as fast as I could. "Is she ok?" I could hear Ashton ask from behind. "What? Oh yeah, she's great! She really likes this store. A lot. Haha" Skylar whispered. "You know I can hear you guys, right?" I said while looking at bracelets. I look back at them and Ashton's eyes are wide just starring back at me. Obviously they thought I couldn't hear them. "It's alright! I do love this store."

"Oh good I thought you were gonna get mad!" "Why would I get mad Ashton? Haha" "I don't know?" He mumbled with a blush creeping up in his cheeks. "Aawww you're blushing!" So cute!!! "Shut up haha" "Kathleen, stop picking on him! And hurry so we can get out if this store.""Hahah alright alright, keep your pants on." "My pants are on." Skylar mumbled.

Since Skylar is so innocent, she doesn't really like hot topic. She finds it very creepy. Aw my poor wittle Skylar.

I finished up at hot topic. I bought a dress, 3 band shirts, 1 tank top, and 2 bracelets. As we were walking we walked by a little cookie shop. "UUHHHHH Kathleen can I get a cookie?! Pweeaaseee!?" Ugh she really likes cookies. "Sure go ahead." I said reluctantly. She got her usual cookie and we headed to other stores and stuff like that.

After all that boring shopping and Skylar buying so many girly little things we headed out of the mall. "You girls wanna meet the rest of the boys? I think they would love to meet you both. Haha" Ashton asked. I froze just standing there wide eyed. "Oh we would love to! Thanks ash!" "Haha no problem Skylar. Um is Kathleen alright?" "Huh? Oh yeah she'll be alright, just give her a second." After about a minute and I still hadn't moved, Skylar had to drag me. Again.

We got in his car and started on our way to their flat. We made small talk on the way talking about lots of random shit.

Finally we had gotten there! "We're here girls!" Ashton yelled. "Oi! Don't have to be so loud mate!" I said to him. He just chuckled and skipped to the front door. He's a happy fella.

Me and Skylar walked to the door and Ashton opened it. Instantly he yelled "Boys! I'm home! And-" "aahhhhhh" the rest of the boys started screaming and running towards Ashton, trampling over each other. As reflect I ran behind Skylar trying to hide behind her, even though she was short.

"Hahah we have company!" The rest of the boys just stared and finally I said "Are we just gonna stand here like deer in head lights or is someone gonna introduce us?" "Kathleen!! Stop being rude!" She hit me again. "Oi! Why do you keep hitting me?!"

The boys just started laughing like this was the funniest thing they've ever seen. "What?" Me and Skylar say at the same time. "You girls are funny." Michael said. "You should've seen them at the mall!" Ashton said. And everyone started laughing again even I did. "HEY!" I yelled. Everyone automatically shut up. "Well I'm Kathleen, and this is Skylar!" "Hiiii" all the boys shouted. Then the boys started going around saying their names. I mean I know all their names but I just wanted to hear them say it.

"I'm Michael!" "Calum!" "Luke!" Me and Luke locked eyes. We just stood there staring at each other.

Butterflies started going off in my stomach. Oh no! I am not going to start liking anyone! Don't be stupid Kathleen!


There's chappie 3! Hope you guy liked it!

Has anyone done the ice bucket challenge? I have it was so cooold! Anyways byeee

Piece my lovelys

Audrey ;)

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