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I don't care about him. I don't care about him. I really don't. Yes you dooo. My sub conscience really needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I realize that I've zoned out and that everyone -besides Luke- is still looking at me with panic.

"I'm alright." "Why'd you pass out then?" Luke suddenly speaks out of no where with an irritating smirk on his face. Man do I wanna smack that look off. "Probably just hungry, calm your shit." I say with as much venom as I could muster up at that time. He gets up and stomps away in the direction of the front door. With that we all hear a slam.

"Are you sure your ok? Did you hit your head?" Skylar still looks worried as hell. "Skylar, I'm fine. Let's just go alright?" Everyone starts getting up and Ashton helps me up. I thank him and notice that Calum helps Skylar up and she's blushing with a shy smile on her face. Awwh how fucking cute! But somehow I can't help but envy it.

Ugh what's with me today and feeling all this damn shit and ARGH! I need to calm down and I know exactly how to do it.

"Uhm guys?" Everyone turns to me as we all pile into whoever's van. "Do you think we could go to this karaoke place just down the street?" "Oh I think I know what you're talking about, sure sounds fantastic!" Michael answers for everyone and sounds generally happy about it. Wow I didn't think I'd meet anyone who's happy all the time like Skylar. Now that I mention it, all the boys seem to be like that. Except for Luke that is.

Now that I think about it I start looking around and see that Luke's indeed in the car in the very back.

During the ride we all pretty much talked about random crap the whole time, again except Luke who remained silent the whole trip over to the restaurant. Ever sense I told him to calm down earlier he's been eerily quite. But hey the bastard deserved it for the way he's been talking to me. I'm used to though, I've become almost numb to the pain of people's words.

Once we arrived to the karaoke restaurant, we all got out of the car. "Oh yeah I remember this place now I loved coming here." Michael commented. "You come here?" I asked. "Yeah I know the owner I came so much before we got discovered." "Really I know him too! I still come here all the time, mostly when it's closed. Frank let's me use it." Franks the owner, he's an older gentleman, very sweet and caring. I see him a lot and he's kind of like the father I never had. He even comes to spend some holidays with me and my mother.

"Seriously you sing?" "Yeah, I love singing it's what I've always wanted to do as a career. Ever sense I was little." "Wow well I hope I'll be hearing you tonight." He playfully nudges me side. I giggle "Yeah you will, singing helps me calm down whenever I'm mad, sad, stressed or anything really. And tonight I really need to calm down." I say looking over in Luke's direction and surprisingly he's already looking at me but suddenly turns away when he notices that I had just caught him.

Why was he staring at me? Ugh I'm getting frustrated again, I need to stop thinking unless I wanna pass out, and I really don't want to sense I had just a little under an hour ago. I need to starting singing and soon or I think I'm gonna lose my shit this time.

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