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{Luke P. O. V}

I wish she knew how much I loved her.

{Your P. O. V}

I wish he would see his my one an only.

{Noone P. O. V}

You made your way to the car door until you heard Michael screaming your name. He ran up to you and hugged you spinning you around.

You: Mikey? what are you doing here?

Mikey: Luke asked us to come along!

You smiles knowing that you would have a great day now because you had everyone here including Ashley(your sister and Ashton's girlfriend).You hugged everyone then all took separate cars to the fair unfortunately you and Luke got put into different cars, you were will Calum and Mikey whilst luke was with Ashton and Ashley.

{Luke P. O. V}

I can't believe they put us in different cars, argh these boys do piss me off-I thought. Ashton: Luke?

(snapping out of his thoughts)

Luke: hmm?

Ashley: you like her.

Luke: what? who?

Ashley:my sister...

Ashton: yeah he does look at him..

{Noone P. O. V}

You arrived at the funfair, it looked really cool you looked around seeing couples holding hands and winning Teddy for eachother. You huffed and Michael gave you a weird look(he was the only one who knew you liked luke). Hours went by and you went on loads of rides, Ashton won a teddy for Ashley. Luke stopped by a teddy grabber and tried his hardest to get a big teddy, he finally got one it was massive with a red love heart saying"I love you" Luke had the biggest grin on his face as he handed it to you. You blushed taking it while luke whispered 'I really love you' you replied back with an 'I love you too'.

Luke Hemmings and The Bestfriend?!Where stories live. Discover now