Uhhhh Hey

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Luke , Cal, Ash, and Michael were all standing at the door. They all looked so different they all had hair cut and Micheal has his hair purple Luke had a lip peircing and a beany on 

Its been a whole year since I last saw them of course we all kept in touch and me and Cal have become best friends hes the only one that knows the real reason why I broke up  with Luke besides Mary

Luke and I also decided to stay friends and try not to make anything awkward

"ALI!!" Cal yelled then ran to me and hugged me

"Cal I missed you...too... but.....can't breathe."

"sorry I just missed you" he said

after him Ashton came and hugged me then Micheal

Then Luke he hugged me last and it lasted a little bit longer than the rest and his calogne was amazing  

I admit I missed his hugs

"Uhhh Hey" he said

"Hey" I said

then he walked in to the dining room with the rest of my family 

"Mom why are they here?" I wisper yelled 

"They were back in town and I thought it was a good idea to invite them since you havn't seen them in  year" She explained

"Mom.." I was about to argue but she cut me off 

"Oh come on your gonna have to deal with him sooner or later and I chose sooner plus Calum has missed you a lot." she said the walked back into the dining room just as Mary walked out.

"I know this is kinda awkward for you so if you wanna leave I can make up an excuse so  we can leave." Mary said

"Knowing my mom she will not let me leave without talking to him." 

"Well just give me a signal if you wanna leave. Just remember I got you back." she said then headed to the dining room with me right behind her 

when we got in there only two seats were empty one next to Luke and one next to Cal

"Do you want me to sit next to Luke?" Mary whispered 

"No we promised each other this wouldn't be awkward and my mom would not let you sit there anyway." I wispered back

She nodded then headed to the seat next to Cal while I went to the one next to Luke

The whole time we were eating mine and Lukes armeswould rub against each other thankfully Cal was talking so I was pretending to pay attenion to him


After about an hour my family started to leave one by one until only Mary the boys and I were left

Right now me and mary were cleaning up the kitchen while the boys were cleaning the tabe and my mom is no were to be found

Me and Mary were having a conversation about how awkward that dinnner was when Cal walked in with a pile of plates

He set the plates down then looked at me 

"You need to talk to him" he says

"Cal you know I can't do that" I said turning around to look at Mary for her help

" I agree with the guy" she said " You need to get it over with. Get closure so that way it not as awkward."

"He hasn't been the same after we left." Cal says

 "What do you mean?" I ask

"He's been really depressed  I man after he found out that we were invited he smiled for the first time since we left." He explained 

"He was depressed?" i asked 

" Yeah, he would always lock himself up in his room and not come out unless he has to for the band. He barely even eats, we sometimes have to beg him to eat. He keeps to himslef and me and the boys are worried about him. He's still so in love with you that he thinks that not going after was the biggest mistake he's ever made.Please just talk to him he needs it." He explained 

" Cal I..." he cut me off

"Do you still love him?" he asked


"Do you still love him?" he asked again

"Yes I never stoped loving him. I mean if it wasn't for Mary i would probably still be in my bed under my blankets." i said

" Then go talk to him." he said

I nodded then headed to the dining room to have a long talk with the love of my life 

well here goes nothing

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